David Brainerd

Puritan missionary to native Americans


April 20, 1718
October 9, 1747
Related topics
Christian life, United States, Diaries, Biography, Brainerd, David,--1718-1747,


David Brainerd was born in Connecticut in 1718. At a young age he felt the call to ministry. Several factors caused Brainerd to be depressed more often than not. Both his parents died at young ages. Brainerd's natural outlook on life was"dark". He attended Yale at which time he contracted tuberculosis which deepened his focus on death. A sect called New Light was begun by George Whitefield and some other itinerant ministers which appealed to Brainerd. Yale expelled Brainerd for his continued involvement with New Light. He and others of New Light traveled through the northern colonies preaching to various congregations. Ordained by a New York presbytery Brainerd became a successful missionary to many Indians in Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York for the last four years of his life. He kept a diary of his own personal spiritual journey and the many Delaware Indians who came to Christ. These journals were published two years after his death (1747) by Johnathan Edwards. The work entitled, An Account of the Life of the Lake Reverend Mr. David Brainerd, has been read worldwide and an encouragement to other missionaries.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

Influence of David Brainerd

Works published by David Brainerd


Works published about David Brainerd

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