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History of Dogma - Volume V by Harnack, Adolf (1851-1930)

rch, and Means of Grace. Augustine was still occupied with the controversy with the Manichæans, in which he so sharply emphasised the authority of the Catholic Church, The Manichæans professed, in the controversy of the day, to be the men of “free inquiry” (“docendi fontem aperire gloriantur” De utilit.

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Beatitudes: An Exposition of Matthew 5:1-12 by Watson, Thomas (c. 1620-1686)

Having already presented to your view the dark side of the text, I shall now show you the light side, ‘They shall be comforted’. Where observe: 1 Mourning goes before comfort as the lancing of a wound precedes the cure.

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Sermons and Tracts by that Worthy Martyr of Christ, John Bradford by Bradford, John (1510-1555)

nation of God Gathered out of the first chapter of St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians Addressed to a dear friend By John Bradford And treating briefly but most perfectly, godly, soundly, and pithily, of God's holy election, free grace, and mercy in Jesus Christ A letter written to a dear friend of his, wherein he treats briefly, but most perfectly, godly, soundly, and pithily,…

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Works of James Arminius, Vol. 3 by Arminius, Jacobus (1560-1609)

First, in general. 1. Since no man was ever created by God in a merely natural state; whence also no man could ever be considered in the decree of God, since that, which exists in the mind, is the material of action and exists in the relation of capability of action,…

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Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature to the End of the Sixth Century A.D., with an Account of the Principal Sects and Heresies. by Wace, Henry (1836-1924)

Athanasius, St., archbp. of Alexandria. The life of Athanasius divides itself naturally into seven sections, respectively terminated by (1) his consecration; (2) his first exile; (3) his second exile; (4) his second return; (5) his third exile; (6) his fourth exile; (7) his death. (1) He was born at Alexandria, and had but scanty private means (Apol.

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Revision Revised by Burgon, John William (1813-1888)

[7] The fabric of modern Textual Criticism (1831-81) rests on an insecure basis. I have been guilty of little else than sacrilege, it seems, because I have ventured to send a shower of shot and shell into the flimsy decrees of these three Critics which now you are pleased grandiloquently to designate and describe as the whole fabric of Criticism which has been built up within the last fifty years.

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Autobiography of George Fox by Fox, George (1624-1691)

. 1657. After I had tarried two First-days at Swarthmore, While waiting at Swarthmore, between the labors in Wales and the visit to Scotland, George Fox wrote several epistles.

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Life and Death of Mr Badman by Bunyan, John (1628-1688)

Presented to the World in a Familiar DIALOGUE Betwixt Mr. WISEMAN, And, Mr. ATTENTIVE. Wiseman. Good morrow my good Neighbour, Mr. Attentive; whither are you walking so early this morning? methinks you look as if you were concerned about something more than ordinary.

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History of Dogma - Volume IV by Harnack, Adolf (1851-1930)

Cyril died in the year 444; there were in his own party some who so far as he was concerned had never forgiven him the union of 433 which had led Cyril to agree to the expression “δύο φύσεις”.

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Fountain of Life Opened Up by Flavel, John (1627-1691)

Act or Part of his Priestly Office. Heb. 7: 25. Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

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