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Vindiciæ Evangelicæ or, the Mystery of the Gospel Vindicated and Socinianism Examined by Owen, John (1616-1683)

the business of the deity of Christ — Their arguments against it answered; and testimonies of the eternity of Christ vindicated. III. Although the testimonies and arguments for the deity of Christ might be urged and handled to a better advantage, if liberty might be used to insist upon them in the method that seems most natural for the clearing and confirmation of this important truth,…

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Vindiciæ Evangelicæ or, the Mystery of the Gospel Vindicated and Socinianism Examined by Owen, John (1616-1683)

. The testimonies of Scripture which affirm Christ to have been incarnate, or to have taken flesh, which inevitably proves his pre-existence in another nature to his so doing,…

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Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 04. by Tillotson, John (1630-1694)

But if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.—Heb. x. 38. THE great design of this Epistle (whoever was the author of it, which 1 shall not now inquire into) is plainly this—to confirm the Jews, who were but newly converted to Christianity, in the steadfast profession of that faith which they had embraced,…

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Several Discourses Concerning the Terms of Acceptance with God by Hoadly, Benjamin (1676-1761)

Concerning the Terms of Acceptance, &c. SERMON IV. LUKE x. The latter part of the 25th Verse. Master, What shall I do to inherit eternal Life? THE Enquiry we are now upon, is this, What it is that the Gospel requires of Men, who believe in Jesus Christ, and have been baptized into his Religion, and acknowledge him for their Master;…

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ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

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ANF08. The Twelve Patriarchs, Excerpts and Epistles, The Clementia, Apocrypha, Decretals, Memoirs of Edessa and Syriac Documents, Remains of the First Age by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

Ancient Syriac Documents. ———————————— The Teaching of Addæus the Apostle. This fragment, extending to the lacuna on p. 658,…

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Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 06. by Tillotson, John (1630-1694)

With whom is no variableness, nor shadow of turning. —James i. 17. The whole period runs thus: Do not err, my beloved brethren: every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comet h down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, nor shadow of turning.

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ANF02. Fathers of the Second Century: Hermas, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus, and Clement of Alexandria (Entire) by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

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Instructor by Clement of Alexandria (c.150-c.215)

With all His power, therefore, the Instructor of humanity, the Divine Word, using all the resources of wisdom,…

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Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek. Additional Notes. by Swete, Henry Barclay (1835-1917)

THE MSS. and many of the lists of the Greek Old Testament include certain books which find no place in the Hebrew Canon. The number of these books varies, as we have seen; but the fullest collections contain the following: 1 Esdras, Wisdom of Solomon, Wisdom of Sirach, Judith, Tobit,…

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Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical notes. Volume I. The History of Creeds. by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

§ 55. The Second Helvetic Confession, A.D. 1566. Literature Confessio Helvetica Posterior. The Latin text, Zurich, 1566, 1568, 1608, 1651, etc.; recent editions by J.

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Training of the Twelve by Bruce, Alexander Balmain (1831-1899)

17. THE SONS OF ZEBEDEE AGAIN; OR, SECOND LESSON ON THE DOCTRINE OF THE CROSS Matt. 20:17–28; Mark 10:32–45; Luke 18:31–34. The incident recorded in these sections of Matthew’s and Mark’s Gospels happened while Jesus and His disciples were going up to Jerusalem for the last time, journeying via Jericho, from Ephraim in the wilderness, whither they had retired after the raising of Lazarus.…

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