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ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

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ANF09. The Gospel of Peter, The Diatessaron of Tatian, The Apocalypse of Peter, the Vision of Paul, The Apocalypse of the Virgin and Sedrach, The Testament of Abraham, The Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena, The Narrative of Zosimus, The Apology of Aristid by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

The Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena. ———————————— Introduction.…

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ANF02. Fathers of the Second Century: Hermas, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus, and Clement of Alexandria (Entire) by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

to CLement of Alexandria [a.d. 153–193–217.] The second century of illumination is drawing to a close, as the great name of this Father comes into view,…

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ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

Introductory Note to Irenæus Against Heresies [a.d. 120–202.] This history introduces us to the Church in her Western outposts. We reach the banks of the Rhone,…

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ANF03. Latin Christianity: Its Founder, Tertullian by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

II. The Five Books Against Marcion. [Translated by Dr. Holmes.] Introductory Notes. ———————————— Dedication. To the Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Chester.

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ANF08. The Twelve Patriarchs, Excerpts and Epistles, The Clementia, Apocrypha, Decretals, Memoirs of Edessa and Syriac Documents, Remains of the First Age by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

Introductory Notice to The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs.…

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ANF05. Fathers of the Third Century: Hippolytus, Cyprian, Caius, Novatian, Appendix by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

Introductory Notice to Hippolytus. [a.d. 170–236.] ———————————— The first great Christian Father whose history is Roman is, nevertheless, not a Roman, but a Greek.

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NPNF2-04. Athanasius: Select Works and Letters by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

Four Discourses Against the Arians. Discourse I. ———————————— Chapter I.—Introduction. Reason for writing; certain persons indifferent about Arianism; Arians not Christians, because sectaries always take the name of their founder.

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Person of Christ: The Miracle of History. With a Reply to Strauss and Renan, and a Collection of Testimonies of Unbelievers. by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

. WHEN the angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in the burning bush, he was commanded to put off his shoes from his feet; for the place whereon he stood was holy ground.

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NPNF1-06. St. Augustine: Sermon on the Mount; Harmony of the Gospels; Homilies on the Gospels by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

By the Rev. David Schley Schaff ———————————— The exegetical writings of Augustin are commentaries on Genesis (first three chapters), the Psalms, the Gospel and First Epistle of John, the Sermon on the Mount, the Epistles to the Romans and Galatians, and a Harmony of the Gospels.

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History of the Christian Church, Volume VI: The Middle Ages. A.D. 1294-1517 by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

. The two centuries intervening between 1294 and 1517, between the accession of Boniface VIII. and the nailing of Luther’s Ninety-five Theses against the church door in Wittenberg, mark the gradual transition from the Middle Ages to modern times, from the universal acceptance of the papal theocracy in Western Europe to the assertion of national independence,…

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