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ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

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Against Heresies: Book II by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XXIX.—Refutation of the views of the heretics as to the future destiny of the soul and body. 1. Let us return, however, to the remaining points of their system.

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Against Heresies: Book II by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter III.—The Bythus and Pleroma of the Valentinians, as well as the God of Marcion, shown to be absurd;…

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Against Heresies: Book II by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XXXIII.—Absurdity of the doctrine of the transmigration of souls. 1. We may subvert their doctrine as to transmigration from body to body by this fact,…

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Against Heresies: Book II by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter X.—Perverse interpretations of Scripture by the heretics: God created all things out of nothing, and not from pre-existent matter. 1. It is therefore in the highest degree irrational,…

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Against Heresies: Book V by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XXXII.—In that flesh in which the saints have suffered so many afflictions, they shall receive the fruits of their labours; especially since all creation waits for this,…

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Against Heresies: Book V by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter X.—By a comparison drawn from the wild olive-tree, whose quality but not whose nature is changed by grafting, he proves more important things;…

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Against Heresies: Book III by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XXIV.—Recapitulation of the various arguments adduced against Gnostic impiety under all its aspects. The heretics, tossed about by every blast of doctrine,…

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Fragments from the Lost Writings of Irenæus by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

LV. “Then From an Armenian ms. in the Library of the Mechitarist Convent at Vienna, edited by M. Pitra, who considers this fragment as of very doubtful authority.

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Against Heresies: Book I by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XVII.—The theory of the Marcosians, that created things were made after the image of things invisible.…

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Against Heresies: Book I by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XXXI.—Doctrines of the Cainites. 1. Others again declare that Cain derived his being from the Power above, and acknowledge that Esau, Korah, the Sodomites, and all such persons,…

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