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ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

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Against Heresies: Book II by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XVIII.—Sophia was never really in ignorance or passion; her Enthymesis could not have been separated from herself, or exhibited special tendencies of its own.

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Against Heresies: Book II by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XXXII.—Further exposure of the wicked and blasphemous doctrines of the heretics. 1. Moreover, this impious opinion of theirs with respect to actions—namely,…

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Against Heresies: Book III by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter VII.—Reply to an objection founded on the words of St. Paul (2 Cor. iv. 4). St. Paul occasionally uses words not in their grammatical sequence.…

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Against Heresies: Book V by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter VIII.—The gifts of the Holy Spirit which we receive prepare us for incorruption, render us spiritual, and separate us from carnal men.…

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Against Heresies: Book V by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter IX.—Showing how that passage of the apostle which the heretics pervert, should be understood; viz., “Flesh and blood shall not possess the kingdom of God.” 1.

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Against Heresies: Book I by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XXIX.—Doctrines of various other Gnostic sects, and especially of the Barbeliotes or Borborians. 1. Besides those, however, among these heretics who are Simonians,…

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Against Heresies: Book IV by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XXX.—Refutation of another argument adduced by the Marcionites, that God directed the Hebrews to spoil the Egyptians. 1. Those, again, who cavil and find fault because the people did,…

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Against Heresies: Book IV by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XXXIV.—Proof against the Marcionites, that the prophets referred in all their predictions to our Christ. 1. Now I shall simply say, in opposition to all the heretics,…

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Against Heresies: Book IV by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XV.—At first God deemed it sufficient to inscribe the natural law, or the Decalogue, upon the hearts of men; but afterwards He found it necessary to bridle, with the yoke of the Mosaic law,…

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Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

lucerna: 1 ætatem seniorem: 1 Agnitio enim Patris Filius.: 1 Alii autem manifestum adventum Domini contemnunt, incarnationem ejus non recipientes.: 1 Ante solem permanebit nomen ejus in sæcula, et ante lunam sedes ejus: 1 Audistis mensos esse cælos in palma.

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