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Expositor's Bible: The Book of the Twelve Prophets, Volume I by Smith, George Adam (1856-1942)

Amos vii., viii. 1-4. We have seen the preparation of the Man for the Word; we have sought to trace to its source the Word which came to the Man. It now remains for us to follow the Prophet, Man and Word combined, upon his Ministry to the people.

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Expositor's Bible: The Second Book of Kings by Farrar, Frederic William (1831-1903)

CONTENTS CHAPTER I page AHAZIAH BEN-AHAB OF ISRAEL (B.C. 855-854) 3 A weak, shadowy, and faithless king—1. Relations between Judah and Israel—2. Alliance with Jehoshaphat—3.

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History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon, Edward (1737-1794)

A prince of such a temper could not be satisfied with having repelled the insolence of a Barbarian. It was the right and duty, it might be the interest and glory, of Manuel to restore the ancient majesty of the empire, to recover the provinces of Italy and Sicily, and to chastise this pretended king, the grandson of a Norman vassal.

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History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon, Edward (1737-1794)

A more important conquest still remained, of the patriarch, the oracle and leader of the Egyptian church.…

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Short History of England by Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (1874-1936)

VII THE PROBLEM OF THE PLANTAGENETS It is a point of prestige with what is called the Higher Criticism in all branches to proclaim that certain popular texts and authorities are "late," and therefore apparently worthless.

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Way Into the Holiest by Meyer, Frederick Brotherton (1847-1929)

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." HEBREWS xi. 1. SOCIETY rests on the faith which man has in man. The workman, toiling through the week for the wage which he believes he will receive; the passenger, procuring a ticket for a distant town, because he believes the statements of the time-tables; the sailor,…

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People's New Testament by Johnson, Barton Warren (1833-1894)

Summary —The Disciples Gathered Together. The Baptism of the Spirit. The Apostles Speak as the Spirit Gives Utterance. The Gospel Heard in Many Tongues. The Theory of the Scoffers.

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How to Live a Holy Life by Orr, Charles Ebert (1861-1933)

As we walk along the streets of villages and cities, we see machines of different kinds exposed to view and bearing a card with these words: "The Latest Improved." For our life to be perfect every day, it must be our latest improved.

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Autobiography of St. Ignatius by Ignatius of Loyola, St (1491-1556)

CHAPTER VII HIS STUDIES IN PARIS, AND OTHER INCIDENTS OF HIS LIFE He left for Paris on foot and alone, and, according to his own reckoning, arrived there toward the beginning of February, 1528.

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

(A.D. 451) Egypt was the Motherland of Christian monasticism. It sprang into existence there at the beginning of the fourth century and in a very few years spread over the whole Christian world.

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