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Abstract of Systematic Theology by Boyce, James Petigru (1827-1888)

I. Its important position. As disbelief was so prominent in the sin of the first Adam so faith is most prominent in the redemption through the second Adam. It holds an important connection with every act and condition of salvation.

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Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible by Jamieson, Robert (1802-1880)

Jas 1:1-27. Inscription: Exhortation on Hearing, Speaking, and Wrath. The last subject is discussed in Jas 3:13-4:17. 1. James—an apostle of the circumcision, with Peter and John, James in Jerusalem, Palestine, and Syria; Peter in Babylon and the East; John in Ephesus and Asia Minor.

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Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature to the End of the Sixth Century A.D., with an Account of the Principal Sects and Heresies. by Wace, Henry (1836-1924)

Hieronymus (4) (Jerome), St. The full name is Eusebius Hieronymus. Among the best accounts of St. Jerome are: Saint Jérôme, la Société chrétienne à Rome et l᾿emigration romaine en Terre Sainte, par M.

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Sermons for the New Life by Bushnell, Horace (1802-1876)

Jeremiah xlviii. 8.—“Moab hath been at ease from his youth, and he hath settled on his lees, and hath not been emptied from vessel to vessel, neither hath he gone into captivity; therefore his taste remained in him, and his scent is not changed.” THERE is a reference here, it will be seen, to wine, or to the process by which it is prepared and finished.

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Selected Sermons of George Whitefield by Whitefield, George (1714-1770)

Preached Before the Governor, and Council, and the House of Assembly, in Georgia, on January 28, 1770 Zech. 4:10 — “For who hath despised the Day of small things?” Men, brethren, and fathers, at sundry times and in diverse manners, God spake to the fathers by the prophets, before he spoke to us in these last days by his Son.

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Luther and Other Leaders of the Reformation by Tulloch, John (1823-1886)

II. CALVIN CALVIN. THERE were almost from the beginning two very different classes of men engaged in the Reformation—the men of movement and of action, and the men of organisation and of policy.

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Sketches of Jewish Social Life by Edersheim, Alfred (1825-1889)

In Judaea If Galilee could boast of the beauty of its scenery and the fruitfulness of its soil; of being the mart of a busy life, and the highway of intercourse with the great world outside Palestine, Judaea would neither covet nor envy such advantages.

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From the Talmud and Hebraica by Lightfoot, John (1602-1675)

A Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Hebraica John Lightfoot (1602-1675) A Chorographical Decad; a searching unto some places of the Land of Israel; those especially whereof mention is made in St.

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Essentials of Mysticism by Underhill, Evelyn (1875-1941)

IT is a curious fact that in the modern revival of interest in the Franciscan movement, little attention has been paid to the life and works of Angela of Foligno.

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Treatise on Relics by Calvin, John (1509-1564)

-Russian Church. The Græco-Russian Church is perhaps the most important element of the politico-religious complications in which Europe is at present involved. It is, moreover, not a fortuitous cause of these complications, but has been growing during centuries, until it has reached its present magnitude,…

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