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Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 55: 1909 by Spurgeon, Charles Haddon (1834-1892)

"And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage." Hebrews 2:15. IT is a very natural thing that man should fear to die, for man was not originally created to die.

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Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical notes. Volume I. The History of Creeds. by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

§ 65. The Arminian Controversy. A.D. 1604–1619. Literature. I. Arminian Sources. Scripta adversaria Collationis Hagiensis. In Dutch, Gravenhage, 1612; in Latin, by Petrus Bertius, Leyden, 1616.

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Mysticism: A Study in Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness by Underhill, Evelyn (1875-1941)

I n illumination we come to that state of consciousness which is popularly supposed to be peculiar to the mystic: a form of mental life, a kind of perception, radically different from that of “normal” men.

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Works of Jonathan Edwards, Volume Two by Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758)

SERMON III. Preached on the day of the funeral of the Rev. Mr. David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians, from the Honorable Society in Scotland for the propagation of Christian Knowledge, and Pastor of a Church of Christian Indians in New Jersey; who died at Northampton in New England, October 9, 1747, in the 30th year of his age, and was interred on the 12th following.

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Works of Jonathan Edwards, Volume Two by Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758)

SERMON I. acts xvi. 29, 30. Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, and brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?…

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Our Man In Heaven: An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews by Fudge, Edward (1944-)

12:1. Wherefore here translates a compound Greek word composed of three lesser particles, each meaning "therefore" or "wherefore." This very strong combination word occurs only one other time in the New Testament (I Thessalonians 4:8).

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Faith's Checkbook by Spurgeon, Charles Haddon (1834-1892)

Dec. 1 TRUE WALKING POSTURE "He that walketh uprightly walketh surely" Prov. 10:9 His walk may be slow, but it is sure. He that hasteth to be rich shall not be innocent nor sure; but steady perseverance in integrity, if it do not bring riches, will certainly bring peace.

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Inspiration and Interpretation: Seven Sermons Preached Before the University of Oxford: With Preliminary Remarks: Being an Answer to a Volume Enti by Burgon, John William (1813-1888)


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Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah by Edersheim, Alfred (1825-1889)

(St. Matt. xxvi. 30-56; St. Mark xiv. 26-52; St. Luke xxii. 31-53; St. John xviii. 1-11.) We turn once more to follow the steps of Christ, now among the last He trod upon earth.

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History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100 by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

. The purely chronological or annalistic method, though pursued by the learned Baronius and his continuators, is now generally abandoned. It breaks the natural flow of events, separates things which belong together, and degrades history to a mere chronicle.

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