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Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah by Edersheim, Alfred (1825-1889)
Book IV. THE DESCENT: FROM THE MOUNT OF TRANSFIGURATION INTO THE VALLEY OF HUMILIATION AND DEATH. ‘But God forbede but men shulde leve Wel mor thing then men han seen with eye Men shall not wenen euery thing a lye But yf him-selfe yt seeth or elles dooth For god wot thing is neuer the lasse sooth Thogh euery wight ne may it nat y-see.’ Chaucer: Prologue to the Legend of Good Women..
Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah by Edersheim, Alfred (1825-1889)
APPENDIX VI. List of the Maccabees, of the Family of Herod, of the High-Priests, the Roman Procurators of Judæa, and Roman Govenors of Syria Figure A6a. Figure A6b.
Temple--Its Ministry and Services by Edersheim, Alfred (1825-1889)
Index of Latin Words and Phrases clausura, conclusio crux interpretum dies stationum ipsissima verba sacrificium latreuticum semper, ubique, ab omnibus.
Temple--Its Ministry and Services by Edersheim, Alfred (1825-1889)
Acknowledgements The cover art for this book is a derivative work of and available for use under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 license..…