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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

In instituting the sacraments Christ did not determine the matter and form down to the slightest detail, leaving this task to the Church, which should determine what rites were suitable in the administration of the sacraments.

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History of the Christian Church, Volume VIII: Modern Christianity. The Swiss Reformation by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

... Sentences of Peter the Lombard, or the Summa of Thomas Aquinas, in the Middle Ages. We have previously ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

Honour Honour may be defined as the deferential recognition by word or sign of another's worth or station. Thus I show honour to another by giving him his title if he have one, and by raising my hat to him, or by yielding to him a place of precedence.

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

(Or NOEL ALEXANDRE). A French historian and theologian, of the Order of St. Dominic, b. at Rouen, 19 January, 1639; d. in Paris, 21 August, 1724. He made his early studies at the Dominican College of Rouen and, after entering the Dominican Order in that city, 9 May 1655, studied philosophy and theology in the convent of Saint Jacques, Paris, where he afterwards taught for twelve years,…

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

A term employed in modern philosophy with various meanings, but applied generally speaking to the Supreme Being. It signifies (1) that which is complete and perfect;…

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

(Ægidius a Colonna) A Scholastic philosopher and theologian, b. about the middle of the thirteenth century, probably 1247, in Rome; hence the name Ægidius Romanus, or Giles of Rome, by which name he is generally known; d.

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... Cros (1301-04), engaged by St. Thomas Aquinas to complete his "Summa"; Etienne d'Albert (1340-42), later ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

Quantity (Gr. poson; Lat. quantitas, quantum, correlate to tantum) Aristotle, in his "Categories" places quantity (with which he deals at length from the logical standpoint in the sixth chapter) first in his enumeration of the nine accidents.

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

Priest, and publisher of theological works, born at Saint-Flour, 25 October, 1800; died at Paris, 24 October, 1875. After completing his college courses, he devoted himself to the study of theology in Orleans, and while a student there filled, for a time, the position of professor in the fourth class of the college of Châteaudun.

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NPNF2-10. Ambrose: Selected Works and Letters by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

ee other virtues; and they cannot be separated or torn asunder, since they are mutually connected one with the other. 126. The first source of duty, then, is prudence.

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