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History of Dogma - Volume VI by Harnack, Adolf (1851-1930)

3. On the History of Ecclesiastical Science. In connection with the history of piety we have been already obliged to enter upon the history of theology; for piety and theology are most intimately related in the Middle Ages.

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Mysticism: A Study in Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness by Underhill, Evelyn (1875-1941)

I n the last chapter we tried to establish a distinction between the mystic who tastes supreme experience and the mystical philosopher who cogitates upon the data so obtained.

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Mysticism: A Study in Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness by Underhill, Evelyn (1875-1941)

W e glanced, at the beginning of this inquiry, at the universes which result from the various forms of credulity practised by the materialist, the idealist, and the sceptic.

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Mind's Road to God by Bonaventura, St. (Giovanni di Fidanza, 1221-1274)

... this with the method of Saint Thomas Aquinas in the "Summa Theologica," in which God's existence is ...

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Dionysius the Areopagite: On the Divine Names and the Mystical Theology by Rolt, Clarence Edwin (1880-1917)

III.—THE RELATION OF THE GODHEAD TO CREATION This principle of Plurality which is thus transcendently contained in Its Undifferentiated Nature compels It to an eternal act of Creation.

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Dionysius the Areopagite: On the Divine Names and the Mystical Theology by Rolt, Clarence Edwin (1880-1917)

By W. J. Sparrow-Simpson THE significance of the teaching of Dionysius cannot be appreciated aright without tracing to some extent his influence on subsequent religious thought.

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Studies in the Book of Common Prayer by Luckock, Herbert Mortimer, 1833-1909

CHAPTER I. THE ANGLICAN REFORM The Pre-Reformation Service-book. The chief Service-books BREVIARIUM: cf. Introductory Chapter. MISSALE was the title given probably in the eighth century, or a little later, to the volumes in which the following Office-books were united: LECTIONARIUS, for the lections from Scripture.

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Vindiciæ Evangelicæ or, the Mystery of the Gospel Vindicated and Socinianism Examined by Owen, John (1616-1683)

is ascribed and due to him. Of the nature of the kingly office of Jesus Christ, his investiture with it, his administration of it, with the efficacy of that power which therein he puts forth, both towards his elect and others, Mr Biddle doth not administer any occasion to discourse.

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Essentials of Mysticism by Underhill, Evelyn (1875-1941)

IN spite of his enormous importance for the history of Christian philosophy, Plotinus is still one of the least known and least understood among the great thinkers of the ancient world.

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Systematic Theology - Volume II by Hodge, Charles (1797-1878)

The doctrines of sin and grace are so intimately related, that the one cannot be stated without involving a statement of the other. Hence the views of different parties in the Church in reference to the work of the Spirit in the salvation of men, have already been incidentally presented in the chapter on Sin.

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