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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... professor of oratory and, two years later, of physics at the University of Vienna, a Catholic institution ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... fifteen hundred instruments in all the branches of physics, among them most of the apparatus for the ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... has a university with faculties of law, mathematico-physics, and a school of pharmacy and obstetrics, and ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... Turin, where he occupied the chair of mathematical physics created for him at the university, he was ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... of mineralogy, zoology, and comparative anatomy, cabinets of physics, of normal anatomy, and pathology, of physiology, and ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... ., author of scientific works and pro fessor of physics; Rev. Alex. Kirsch, C.S.C., professor of ...

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Of God and His Creatures by Thomas Aquinas, Saint (1225?-1274)

... chemistry, and even of the existence of molecular physics: deficient scholarship, leading at times to incorrect exegesis ...

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ANF02. Fathers of the Second Century: Hermas, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus, and Clement of Alexandria (Entire) by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

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Exhortation to the Heathen by Clement of Alexandria (c.150-c.215)

... his Satirical Poems, on account of his quitting physics for ethics. Antisthenes, after being a pupil of ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... which is analogous to the inductive process in physics and the infinitesimal process in mathematics; in presence ...

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Holy Living by Taylor, Jeremy (1613-1667)

... of a ditch; and a man may take physic, and he may eat meat, and therefore there ...

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