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History of the Christian Church, Volume VIII: Modern Christianity. The Swiss Reformation by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

... Wien, 1883. He studied scholastic philosophy, astronomy, and physics, but chiefly the ancient classics. He became an ...

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Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas, Saint (1225?-1274)

... ; while the former proves it by means of physics, e.g. by the movement of heavy bodies ...

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Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas, Saint (1225?-1274)

... of the Divine Essence, as is shown in Physics i. But through glory the body derives a ...

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History of the Christian Church, Volume V: The Middle Ages. A.D. 1049-1294 by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

... of the Organon to John of Salisbury. His Physics and Metaphysics became known about 1200, and all ... his Natural Philosophy. Gregory IX., 1231, condemned the Physics, but in 1254 the University of Paris prescribed ...

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Light Princess by MacDonald, George (1824-1905)

... -Drum and Kopy-Keck applied themselves to the physics and metaphysics; but in vain. Not even they ...

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Of God and His Creatures by Thomas Aquinas, Saint (1225?-1274)

... otherwise than through being in motion.” So Aristotle, Physics, VIII, v. (b) “It is impossible for the ... phenomena of bodies. Here again the progress of physics has seriously affected metaphysics. The use of reading ...

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Wesley's Notes on the Bible by Wesley, John (1703-1791)

... administer at. This was the whole process of physic in the Christian church, till it was lost ...

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Table Talk by Luther, Martin (1483-1546)

... and this they cure, or not, with their physic. But they see not that often the devil ... one without any natural causes. A higher physic must be required to resist the devil’s ... diseases; namely, faith and prayer, which physic may be fetched out of God’s Word ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... superior appointed him professor of philosophy and physics at the college of Urbino, while ... G. Giovanozzi. Among his works on physics must be mentioned: a study on the ... in condensed form the principal theories on physics, in particular of electric currents. It ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... were devoted to logic, others to physics. The study of these books is ... . Albert of Saxony's treatises on physics consist of a "Tractatus proportionum"…

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