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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... , chiefly to the two branch sciences of ecclesiastical geography and ecclesiastical statistics, in which he acccomplished great ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... , II, 138; SMITH, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, II, 338-340. S. VAILHÉ

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... branch of primary instruction, reading, writing, arithmetic, geometry, geography, history, logical and grammatical analysis, composition, politeness, etc ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... as the most important facts. His chronology and geography are quite deficient; yet, despite all its faults ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... rank him with the first promoters of physical geography; finally his share in the preparation of the ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... provinces, with an exact indication of the ecclesiastical geography of that portion of Africa. The early editions ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... and a half miles in circumference. RAMSAY, Historical Geography of Asia Minor (London, 1890), 326-29; ANDERSON ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... the Prytanéee of Paris, and then that of geography in the military school at Fontainebleau.…

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Smith's Bible Dictionary by Smith, William (1813-1893)

... of the Hebrews on cosmogony, the second on geography. cosmogony.— (1) The Hebrew cosmogony is based upon ... the inferior to the superior orders of things. Geography.—There seems to be traces of the same ...

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Smith's Bible Dictionary by Smith, William (1813-1893)

... —Bedu et-Tih, “the wilderness of wandering.” (“Bible Geography,” Whitney.) “Mount” Paran occurs only in two poetic ...

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