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Complete Works of Thomas Manton, D.D. Vol. V by Manton, Thomas (1620-1677)

... all these are but like external applications in physic, or topical medicines, as the binding of things ...

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Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon by Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

... the authorities that the reading of Aristotle's Physics and Metaphysics was forbidden by Robert de Courçon ...

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Complete Works of Thomas Manton, D.D. Vol. I by Manton, Thomas (1620-1677)

... , it is matter of sense afterwards. God’s physic must have time to work. That which is ...

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ANF02. Fathers of the Second Century: Hermas, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus, and Clement of Alexandria (Entire) by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

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Stromata, or Miscellanies by Clement of Alexandria (c.150-c.215)

... Cecrops the Pythagorean; and the Peplus and the Physics of Brontinus. Some also make Terpander out ancient ...

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History of the Moravian Church by Hutton, J. E.

... him many marvellous things. He would learn some physics by handling things; some optics by naming colours ...

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Body of Practical Divinity by Gill, John (1697-1771)

... should be used to preserve life; as food, physic, sleep, &c. with all just and lawful defence ...

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Complete Works of Thomas Manton, D.D. Vol. VIII by Manton, Thomas (1620-1677)

... may be a-cold; they have food and physic, friends and honour; alas! how soon can God ...

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Heretics by Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (1874-1936)

... trusting particular men to produce particular results in physics or astronomy, you leave the door open for ...

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History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon, Edward (1737-1794)

... . The five general parts successively treat of, 1. Physics; 2. Man; 3. Animals; 4. Plants; and, 5 ...

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Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III. by South, Robert (1634-1716)

... as there are certain mountebanks and quacks in physic, so there are much the same also in ...

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