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History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100 by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

... of the earliest documents are written), secular history, geography, and chronology. Then, in making use of the ...

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History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon, Edward (1737-1794)

... . The River Til, or Tula, according to the geography of De Guignes, (tom. i. part ii. p ... (1253.) See Klaproth, Tabl. Hist. p. 247. This geography is much more clear and simple than that ...

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History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon, Edward (1737-1794)

... . de Tillemont has already observed, that Herodian's geography is somewhat confused. was encompassed by the superior ...

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History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon, Edward (1737-1794)

... the ancient Hiong-nou, or Huns. The Chinese geography of their country (tom. i. part. p ... the Chuni and the Ounni of the Greek Geography. the Kuns of the Hungarians,…

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History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon, Edward (1737-1794)

... (Specimen Hist. Arabum, p. 125-128) from the Geography of the Sherif al Edrissi,…

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History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon, Edward (1737-1794)

... in Asia Minor throws considerable light on the geography of this march of the crusaders.—M. may ... the midland country; their clerks recognized the sacred geography of Lydda,…

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St. Paul the Traveler and the Roman Citizen by Ramsay, William Mitchell (1851-1939)

... practical demonstration that, on mere grounds of historical geography alone, one cannot explain the marked emphasis laid ...

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Normal Christian Life by Nee, Watchman (1903-1972)

... that I used before to pursue history and geography. But that power is not of God; and ...

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Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 27: 1881 by Spurgeon, Charles Haddon (1834-1892)

... exert faith while learning. His schoolmaster teaches him geography and instructs him as to the form of ...

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Sermons for the New Life by Bushnell, Horace (1802-1876)

... nations, than even Heroditus and Strabo, history and geography, together. The same is true, even more strikingly ...

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