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Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John) by Henry, Matthew (1662-1714)

... worst was past. Sleep is often nature's physic, and reviving to its weak and weary powers ...

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Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John) by Henry, Matthew (1662-1714)

... yet increases. 3. Jesus Christ has not only physic, but food, for all those that by faith ...

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Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John) by Henry, Matthew (1662-1714)

... cleanses the gold from its dross, and as physic cleanses the body from its disease. We then ...

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Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John) by Henry, Matthew (1662-1714)

... not only receives, but keeps, the food or physic. (9.) Where the word is well kept there ...

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Of God and His Creatures by Thomas Aquinas, Saint (1225?-1274)

... nature and of their own ignorance of physics. We know more physics than they did, and we know ...

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Of God and His Creatures by Thomas Aquinas, Saint (1225?-1274)

... ). St Thomas passes from ‘immovable’ to ‘immutable.’ Aristotle (Physics, vii, 2), distinguishes three sorts of ‘motion’: ‘local ...

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Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation) by Henry, Matthew (1662-1714)

... of their own, any skill they had in physic or surgery, nor any virtue in their word ...

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Select Sermons by Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758)

... , as geography; or the body of man, as physic and anatomy; or the soul of man, with ... those things which pertain to the art of physic. So it becomes all such as profess to ...

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Complete Works of Thomas Manton, D.D. Vol. IV by Manton, Thomas (1620-1677)

... thing come unto thee., Obedience is the best physic; while sin remaineth, the distemper may be stopped ... first sue out your pardon; that is proper physic which worketh upon the cause. David saith, Ps ...

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Complete Works of Thomas Manton, D.D. Vol. IV by Manton, Thomas (1620-1677)

... made better, Eccles. vii. 3. It is bitter physic, but it procureth health. Holy tears are the ... sad and mournful. It was God's own physic to Belshazzar,…

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