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Golden Legend, vol. 6 by Voragine, Jacobus de (1230-1298)

... he heard say of the masters that no physic nor no man might heal him of his ...

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Golden Legend, vol. 1 by Voragine, Jacobus de (1230-1298)

... kissed him. He commanded to his masters of physic and medicines, which were his servants, that they ...

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Golden Legend, vol. 2 by Voragine, Jacobus de (1230-1298)

... Jew to him which was much expert in physic, and he loved him because he saw that ...

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Golden Legend, vol. 2 by Voragine, Jacobus de (1230-1298)

... of four years, the which no master in physic ne surgery could heal. And when they were ...

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Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus (480-524)

... ?’ ‘My philosopher, Aristotle, defined it in his Physics Aristotle, Physics, ii. 3. shortly and well-nigh truly.’ ‘How ...

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Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus (480-524)

... means that his chief ‘philosophical’ studies had been physics, astronomy, and ethics. Are these the rewards we ...

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Guide for the Perplexed by Maimonides, Moses (1135-1204)

... be approached after the study of Physics; for the science of Physics borders on Metaphysics, and must even ...

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Guide for the Perplexed by Maimonides, Moses (1135-1204)

... : “Ben-zoma is still outside.” When you understand Physics, you have entered the hall; and when, after ...

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Robinson Crusoe by Defoe, Daniel (1660-1731)

... to my thought that the Brazilians take no physic but their tobacco for almost all distempers; and ...

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Lowell Lectures on the Ascent of Man by Drummond, Henry (1851-1897)

... the inorganic and organic kingdoms, and no more; Physics, discovering the correlation of forces, constructed a cosmos ... of the earth effected in the realm of physics, the announcement of the doctrine of Evolution makes ...

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