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another which necessitated a complete revision of the fundamental law of the State Church. The synod, in extraordinary session, opposed the bill and almost unanimously replied to the superior council, apropos of a revision of the fundamental church law of 1848, by protesting against political competence to enact confessional statutes, and against their consolidation with so-called liberal Protestantism. It demanded the same autonomy as was given to other non-established churches, and, in the case of the revision of the organic church law, requested that such be undertaken only in consultation with the church boards and be submitted to popular vote. The government ignored the letter. The bill projected by it was in turn rejected by the synod,, with only one negative vote, which declared it to be perilous to the State Church on the ground that the State exceeds its rights in prescribing the qualifications of electors and their rights in ecclesiastical matters; in claiming absolute freedom of doctrine for pastors and professors; in creating a synod which abrogated the colloquies and in pointing out sua sponte its attributes. Further, the identification of the ecclesiastical with the political voter, the interdiction upon the church of confessing its faith, the eligibility of any graduate citizen as a pastor without any guaranty as regards culture or morality, were pronounced measures detrimental to the State Church. To this was attached the proposition of the separation in autonomous congregations of the Evangelicals and liberal Protestants, all to share in the privileges and goods afforded by the state, or, best of all, the separation of church and state. Signed by 55 clergymen and supported by a petition of 10,300 signatures, this document was presented; nevertheless, the grand council, by a vote of 47 to 40, adopted the projected bill, further aggravated by the clause that the professors of theology should be chosen by the government and not by the synod. A second petition asking for the separation resulted in a submission to popular vote and by a majority of 16 out of 13,956 revision was lost. Nothing remained to be done but to organize a free church. Twentyone congregations with twenty-four pastors founded the tglise 6Vang6lique neuchdteloise ind6pendante de 1'dtat. From that time, 1873, the Free Church of the canton of Neuchdtel has developed; the number of its members has increased from year to year; and the participation in the Evangelization of France, Belgium, Spain, and Italy and in the Mission romande is very energetic and self-denying.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Collections of titles are to be found in: Schaff, Christian Church, vol. vii.-the literature, general and special, on the Reformation is given with great fulness in this work; F. Lauchert, Bibliographie der chriatlich-katholischen Kirche der Schweiz, Bern, 1893; G. Finsler, Bibliographic der evangelisch-reformirten Kirehe in der Schweiz, Bern, 1896. On the general history of Switzerland consult: C. Gareis and P. Zorn, Staat and Kirche in der Schweiz, 2 vols., Zurich, 1877-78; A. von Orelli, Daa Staatarecht der achweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft, Freiburg, 1885; K. Dandliker, Geschiehte der Schweiz von den hltesten Zeiten, 3 vole., Zurich, 1893-95, cf. his Short History of Switzerland, London, 1899; B. van Muyden, Mist. de la nation misse, 3 vole., Lausanne, 1896-99; Cambridge Modem History, vols. i.-xii., New York, 1902-10.

For history prior to the Reformation consult: E.. F.

Gelpke, K%rchengexhichte der Schweiz unter der Ramer, Burgurder- and Alemannzeit, 2 vole., Bern, 1558-81; J. C. Moerikofer. Bilder ant dem k%rchliche» Leber der Schweiz, Leipaie, 1884; A. Liitolf, Die Glaubersbolen in der Schweiz, Lucerne, 1871; F. Naef, Les Premiers fours du ehristiar%ame en Suisse, Lausanne, 1879: E. Egli, Kirchengeschichte der Schweiz bis auJ Karl den Grosser, Zurich, 1893; E. Herzog, Beitrdge zur Vorgeschichte der christkathoZischen Kirche der Schweiz, Bern. 1896; J. A. Gautier, Mist. de Gonave des origirea a l'anree 1691, 8 vole., Geneva, 1896-1901.

On the Reformation consult: The works of the Swiss Reformers, Bullinger, Calvin, Farel, Leo Tud, (Ecolampadius, Vadianus, and Zwingli, and the literature under the articles on them in this work; Schaff, Christian Church, vol. vii.; S. Fischer, Die Reformation %n Bern, Bern, 1827; J. Kuhn, D%e Reformation Berns, Bern. 1825; A. Ruehat, Mist. de la rgJormation de la Suisse, 7 vole., 2d ed., Nyon, 1835-38; H. Bullinger, Rejormationspesclaichte each dem Autogrnphon, ed. J. Hettinger and H. V6geli, 3 vole., Frauenfeld, 183 H-40; K. B. Hundeshagen, Die Konjtikte des Ca1v%nismva, Zwinglianismus and Lutherthums %n der Berner Landeakirche, Bern, 1842; F. Godet, Mist. de la reformation dons le pays de Neuch6tel, Neuch9tel, 1859; W. M. Blackburn, William Farel: Story of the Swiss Reformation, Edinburgh, 1867; Archiv Jiir d%e achweizeriache Reformations-Geschichte, Freiburg, 1869 sqq.; E: Egli, Die Zilrcher WiedertauferzurReJormationszeih Zurich, 1878; K. R. Hagenbach. Mist. of the Reformation in Germany and Switzerland, Edinburgh, 1878-79; A. L. Herminjard, Correspondanee des reformateurs, 9 vole., Geneva, 1878-97; Actensammlung zur achweizerischen ReJormationapeachichte, 161-3Q, ed. J. Strickler, 5 vole., Zurich, 1878-84; Actensammlunp our Geschichte der Zurcher Reformation 1619-33, ed. E. Egli, Zurich, 1879; H. G. Sulzberger, Geschichte der Reformation im Kanton Graubunden, Coire, 1880; H. S. Burrage. History of the Anabaptists in Switzerland, Philadelphia, 1882; H. Eseher, Die Glaubensparteien in der E%dgenossenschaJt, Frauenfeld, 1882; R. Nitzsehe, Geachichte der WiedertfiuJer in der Schweiz, Einaiedeln, 1885; E. Baehler, Le Comte de la Croix. Ein BeiErap zur Reformationsgeschichte der Westschweiz, Biel, 1895; E. Choisy, La Theocratic a Genkve au temps de Calvin, Geneva, 1898; E. Issel, Die Reformation in Konatanz, Freiburg, 1898; A. Bernus, T. de Beze a Lausanne, etude, Lausanne, 1900 ; Quellen zur schweizerischen ReJormationsgeschichte, ed. E. Egli, Basel, 1901; H. Vuilleumier, La Religion de nos pi·res, Lausanne, 1858 ; idem. L'Eglise du pays de Vaud aux temps de la reformation, ib. 1902; Cambridge Modern History, ii. 305-341, New York, 1904; Die Chronik des Laurencius Bosahart von Winterthur 11861632, ed. K. Hauser, Basel, 1905.

On history since the Reformation use: G. Finsler, .jC%ichliche Statiatik der reformierten Schweiz, Stuttgart, 1854 (valuable); J. Gaberel, Mist. de l'~glise de GenJoe . jusqu h roe fours, 3 vole., Geneva. 1855-62; J. Cart. Mist. du mouvement religieus et ecclesiastique daps le canton de Vaud pendant la premiire moitie du 19. sUele, 6 vole., Lausanne. 1870 -79; G. R. Zimmerman, Die Zvrcher Kirche and ihre Artistes, Zurich, 1877; idem, Die Ziircher Kirche 1619-1819, ib. 1878; H. Fleury, Mist. de Z'~glise de Genkve, 3 vole., Geneva, 1879-81 (comes to 1820); G. Finder, Geschichte der theoLopisch-k%rchl%chen Entwickeluttp in der deutsch-reJormirten Schweiz Belt den 30 Jahren, Zurich, 1881; J. Genoud, Les Saints de la Suisse Jran;aise, 2 vole., Paris, 1882; E. Bloeseh, Geach%chte der schweizerisch-reJormirten Kirchen, 2 vole., Bern, 1898-99; S. Grueter, Der Anted der katholischen urd protestaruischen Orte der EidgenossenschaJt an den K&mpen im Walks, 1600-I3, Stars, 1900; W. Hadorn, Gesehichte des Pietismus it den schweizeriach-rejormirten Rirchen, Constance, 1901; F. Nippold, Mandbuch der neueaten Kirchengeschichte, ii. 466 aqq., Berlin, 1901; W. Hadorn, K%rchengesch%chle der reformi~yten Schweiz, Zurich, 1907; T. de La Rive, La S9paratior de l'eglise et de Utat h Gerhve, Paris, 1909.

On the Free Churches consult:. Bullet%n des stances du ayrode constituant de l'~piise tvangglique neuchQteloise. Neuehfitel, 1874; E. Guers, Notice hzstorique sur L 4glise ftangNique libre de Geneve, Geneva. 1875; J. Cart, Mist. du mouvement relipieux daps la canton de Vaud, vol. vi., Lausanne, 1880 ; L. Monastier, Une voix de jadv:a our 1'oripine et lee premiers pas de Upliae hang_lique Libre du canton de Vaud, ib. 1585; Conat%tutio~de l Miae 6van-