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Lombards which occurred in 770. Stephen died Sept. 24, 772.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Sources are: Liter pontificaiia. ed. L. Duchesne, i. 488. Paris, 1888; the Epiatolce in Bouquet, Recueil, vol. v., in MPG, vol. xcviii., and in J. Gretser, Volumen epistolarum, Opera, vol. vi., 17 vole., Regensburg, 1734-40; Einhard's Vita Karol% Magni, in MGH, Script., ii (1829), 443-463; Jaffb, Regesta, i. 235. Consult further: A. Von Reumont; Geachichte den Stadt Rom, ii. 121 aqq., Berlin, 1868; R. Baxmann, Die Politik den PBpate, i. 282 aqq.. ElberFeld, 1888; S. Abel, Jahrbiicher des frankischen Reichea under Karl dem Grosaen, ed. B. Simaon, pp. 61 aqq., Leipsic, 1888; H. Dopffel, Kaisertum and Papstwechsel, pp. 15 aqq., Freiburg, 1889; F. Gregorovius, Hiat. of the City of Rome, ii. 327-343, London, 1894; L. Dueheane, in Revue d'hist. et de Zitti?raEure relig%euaea, 1896, pp. 238 sqq.; J. A. Ketterer, Karl den Grosse and die Kirche, pp. 19 eqq., Munich, 1898; Hefele, ConciliengeachichEe, iii. 433 eqq., Fr. tranel., iii. 2, pp. 727 aqq., Eng. tranal., v. 331 aqq.; Mansi, Concilia, v. 880 aqq.; Bower, Popes, ii. 114-125; Platina, Popes, i. 194-198; Milman, Latin Christianity, ii. 433-439; DCB, iv. 735738; and the literature under CHARLEMAGNE.

Stephen IV.: Pope 816-817. He was a Roman and of noble birth. Like that of his predecessors, his policy involved agreement with the Franks; consequently after his election he induced the Romans to swear obedience to Louis the Pious, whom in Oct., 816, he crowned emperor at Reims. On this occasion the alliance between the pope and the Frankish rulers was renewed. In Nov. he returned to Italy and died Jan. 24, or 25, 817.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Sources are: Later pontificalis, ed. L. Ducheane, ii. 49. Paris, 1892; Jaffb, Regesta, i. 318; J. Gretser, Volumen epistolarum, is Opera, vol. vi., 17 vole., Regensburg, 17340; and the Vito ;f-Louis the Pious, in MGH, Script., ii (1829), 585 aqq. Consult further: R. Baxmann, Die Politik den Papate, i. 328, Elberfeld, 1868; J. Langen, Geschichte den romiaehen Kirche, ii. 797, Bonn, 1885; B. Simson, Jahrbiicher des fr6,nkischen Reichea, i. 86, Leipsic, 1874; H. Dopffel, Kaisertum and Papatwechsel, i. 45, Freiburg, 1889; F. Gregorovius, Hiat. Of the City of Rome, iii. 33-45, London, 1895; Bower, Popes, ii. 192-193; Platina, Popes, i. 209-210; Milman, Latin Christianity, ii. 518-519; Mann, Popes, v. 111-121.

Stephen V.: Pope 885--891. This pope lived in s period of decline of the Roman bishopric. In the negotiations with Emperor Basil and his son Leo VI. concerning Photius he adhered to the Roman standpoint; not to him, however, but to Emperor Leo was it due that the decision of Rome was finally acknowledged. In the policy toward the newly founded Slavonic church he followed his predecessors, aiming on the one side to preserve the connection of that church with Rome, on the other aide to concede to it only a small measure of independence. But in the relations to the occident he was powerless. The decline of the empire under Charles the Fat had an immediate influence upon the papacy and the Church. After the deposition of Charles in Nov., 887, began the period of the less powerful rulers, on whom the popes became more and more dependent. Stephen died on Sept. 14, 891, having previously crowned one of these kings, Guido of Spoleto, emperor, Feb. 21, 891.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Sources are: LibEr pOnLifEUlliF, ed. L. Duchesne, ii. 191, Paris, 1892; fragments of documents, ed. P. Ewald, in NA, v. 399; JaN, Regesta, i. 427; J. M. Wstterich, Romanorum Pontificum . . . vine, i. 83, Leipeic, 1882; and the Epiatolm in Bouquet, Recueil, vol. ix.

Consult further: A. von Reumol,t, Geschichte den Stadt Rom, ii. 218 aqq., Berlin, 1868; P.. Baxmann, Die Politik den Pripate, ii. 82 aqq., Elberfeld. 7869; E. Dummler, Geachichte des ostfrankischen Reiches, iii. 248 sqq., Leipaie, 1888; H. Dopffel, Kaisertum and Papstwechsel, pp. 152153, Freibur

.g. 1859; J. Langen, (:eschichte den r6miachen Kirche, iii. 280 sqq., Bonn, 1892; F. Gregorovius, Hist. of the City of Rome, iii. 208-215, l~ondon, 1895; Bower, Popes, ii. 294-296; Platina, Popes, i. 235-236; Milman, Latin Christianity, iii. 105; Mann, Popes, vi. 367-402 et passim.

Stephen VI.: Pope 896-897. After the death of Formosus, who had crowned Arnulf emperor, the faction of Spoleto elected a pope of their own party, Stephen VI., the shunt pontificate of Boniface VI. alone intervening. Stephen's consecration took place probably in May, 896. He was one of the most violent opponents of Formosus, His short pontifi cate is disgraced by his unheard-of judgment upon Formosus after his death (se(: FO1cx4oaUS). The horror aroused by this outrage led to a sudden up rising of the people (July, 897 j on which occasion Stephen was murdered. (A. IiA>7cx.)

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Sources are: Lib°r pontifccalis, ed. L. Duchesne, ii., pp. xviii., 229, Paris. 1892; Jaff6, Regesta, i. 439; J. M. Watterich, Pontificum h'omanorum . . . vitce,, i. 35 aqq., Leipaic, 1882; the Epistolce, in Bouquet, Recueil, vol. ix.; and the EpistoZce et Privilegia in MPL, vol. cxxia. Consult further: Mann, Popes, vii. 76 aqq.; E. Dummler, Auxiliua and Vulgarizes, pp. 10 sqq., Leipsic, 1886; idem, Geschichte des ostfrBnkischen Reiches, iii. 426, ib. 1888; A. von Reumont, Geschichte den Sdadt Rom, ii. 224, Berlin, 1868; R. Baxmann, Die Politik d^.r PSpste, ii. 70, Elber feld, 1889; H. Dopffel, Kaisertum and PapstwechseL, p. 157, Freiburg, 1889; J. Langen, (:eschichte den romischen Kirche, iii. 303, Bonn, 1892; F. Gregorovius, Hist. of the City of Rome, iii. 225-229, London, 1895; Bower, Popes, ii. 300; Platina, Popes, i. 237-239; Milman, Latin Christianity, iii. 110-111.

Stephen VIL: Pope 929-9c'.1. His pontificate fell during the time when Theodora and Marozia ruled in Rome. The pope vanished so completely into the background beside his ambitious mistresses that information concerning him is very scanty.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: InMer ponEificalis, e<l. L. Duchesne, ii. 242, Paris, 1892; J. M. Watterich,..Pontificum Romanorum . vito;, i. 33, Leipsic, 1882; Jaffe, Regesta, i. 453; A. von Reumont, Geschichte den Stadt Rom, ii. 231, Berlin, 1868; R. Baxmann, Die Politik den Papste, ii. 90, Elber feld, 1889; J. Langen, Geschichte den r6mischen Kirche, iii. 333, Bonn, 1892; F. Gregorovius, Hist. of the City of Rome, iii. 282, London, 1895; :Bower, Popes, ii. 311; Platina, Popes, i. 247-248; Mann, Popes, viii. 189-190.

Stephen VIII.: Pope 939-9·12. His pontificate was coincident with the rule of Alberich, the son of Marozia, as prince and aenato:- of the Romans in Rome; and his importance was small compared with that of the energetic Alberich, who regarded Rome as his property. But before foreign powers Stephen upheld the claims of the papacy, threaten ing France and Burgundy with the ban unless they acknowledged Louis d'Outremer as king, which they were forced to do. (A. HAUL%.)

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Leer pontificalia, ed. L. Duchesne, ii. 244, Paris, 1892; Jaffb, Regeata, i. 457; J. M. Watterich, Pontaficum Romanorum . . . vitce, i. 34, Leipsic, 1862; A. von Reumont, Geschichte den Stadt Roan, ii. 233, Berlin, 1888; R. Baxmann, Die PoliEik den Papsts, ii. 93, Elberfeld, 1869; J. Langen, Geachiclete den rdmiachw Kirche, iii. 383, Bonn, 1892; F. Gregorovius, Hiat. of the City of Rome, iii. 317, London, 1895; Mann, Popes, ix. 20), 212 sqq., 232; Bower, Popes, ii. 313-314; Platina. Popes, i. 249-250.