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staehelfn Stalker THE NEW SCHAFF-HERZOG 80 For many years Stahelin devoted his attention to the Psalms, the results of which he printed mainly in ZDMG. His chief work, however, is Spezielle Einleitung in die kanortischen, Biicher des A. TA (El berfeld, 1862), though his presentation of the sub ject lacked form and attraction, and this interfered with the popularity and usefulness of his work. Moreover, he had an insufficient sense of proportion; the material points are often thrust in the back ground in favor of philological observation. Yet the value of his contributions to the critical and relig ious investigation of the Old Testament can not be questioned. (E. STeaEr.IN.)

STAEHELIN, RUDOLF: Swiss Protestant theologian; b. at Basel Sept. 22, 1841; d. there Mar. 13, 1900. He studied at the gymnasium of his native city, also at the university there and at Lausanne, Berlin, and Tubingen. He undertook pastoral duties at Stein-on-the-Rhine in 1866, and the next year at Arlesheim. Sickness compelled a rest from duties in 1871, which he took in Sicily, and this resulted in his Reisebriefe aus Ztalien (Basel, 1903). Upon his return he settled in his native city as a private teacher in the theological faculty and was soon after appointed to the chair of church history, becoming regular professor in 1875. After declining a call to succeed Harnack at Marburg, he was seized by a disease of the eyes, which threatened to stop his work on the biography of Zwingli, but by the help of his wife and of friends he was able to bring out the two volumes, Huldreich Zwingli (1895-97). The rest of Stahelin's works are in part preparatory studies for this chief production, partly studies out of the history of Humanism and of the Reformation, some of which appeared in various serial or university publications.

In a period of theological and ecclesiastical change Stahelin kept aloof from all extremes, and main tained as a moderate the respect and admiration of all by his sincerity, nobility of manner, and regard for the feelings of others. (O. KIRN.)

BIBLIOGRAPHY: K.Stockmeyer, R. Stahelin, Basel, 1901; idem, in A. Bettelheim's Biographiachea Jahrbueh, v (1903).

STAEHLIN, shte'lin, ADOLF VON: German ecclesiastical administrator; b. at Schmahingen in the deaconry of Niirdlingen (60 m. e. of Stuttgart) Oct. 27, 1823; d. at Munich May 4, 1897. He entered the University of Erlangen in 1840, and later spent two years in the Seminary at Munich. He was assistant pastor at Windsbach and other places until, in 1856, he was placed as pastor at Tauberscheckenbach, whence he went to Rothenburg in 1860, and to Nordlingen in 1864, where he became first pastor, and also a leader in the matter of reform of the schools, writing on this his first production, Zur Schulreform (NSrdlingen, 1865). In 1866 he was called to Ansbach as consistoriai councilor, and during his activity there of thirteen years wrote among other things, Das landesherrliche Kirchenregiment ured sein Zusammenhang mit Yolkskirchentum (Leipsic, 1871). In 1879 he was called to the upper council of Munich, and in 1883 to the head of the government of the church in Bavaria, which brought him into relations with the civil power as

councilor. In all these relations soberness in action and wise thoughtfulness distinguished his actions.

(T. Kor.DE.) BIBLIOGRAPHY: T. Kolde, Adoll von Stah.lin, Erlangen, 1897; O. Stahlin, OberkonsisEorialprasident D. Adolf von SttthZin, Munich, 1898.

STAER%, WILLY OTTO ALEXANDER: OldTestament scholar; b. at Berlin Dec. 15, 1866. He received his education at the universities of Berlin and Marburg, 1887-92; was engaged in various places in the teaching office, 1894-1903; became privat-docent for Old Testament at Jena, 1905, extraordinary professor, '1908, and ordinary professor, 1909. He has issued Das Deuteronomium, sein Inhalt urtd seine literarische Form (Leipsie, 1894); Studien zur Religion and Sprachgeschichte des alten Testament (2 viols., Berlin, 1899); Ueber den. Urspru-ng der Grallegende (Tiibingen, 1903); Die Entstehurtg des alten Testament (Leipsie, 1905); Siinde and Gnade each der Vorstellung des alien Judentums, besortders der Dichter der sogenarznten Busspsalmen (Tilbingen, 1905); Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte (2 parts, Leipsic, 1907); an edition of Jesaias Diehtungen(1907); Die jildisch-aramdischen Papyri von Assuan, sprachlich and sachlich erkliirt (Bonn, 1907); an edition of Amos, Nahum, and Habakkuk (Leipsic, 1908); Das assyrische Weltreich im Urteil der Propheten. (Gottingen, 1908); and Aramiiische Urkunden zur Geschichte des Judentums im VI. and Y. Jahrhundert vor Christum (Bonn, 1908).

STAEUDLIN, KARL FRIEDRICH: German the ologian; b. at Stuttgart July 25, 1761; d. at Giittingen July 5, 1826. He studied philosophy and theology, particularly exegesis and oriental lan guages, at Tiibingen, 1779-84; and was professor of theology at Giittingen, 1790-1826. He lectured in almost all the departments of scientific theology. He published, Geschiehte and Geist des Skepticismus (2 viols., Leipsie, 1794); Grundriss der Tugend- and Religionslehre (Giittingen, 1798-1800); Philosophi sche urul biblische Moral (1805); and Neues Lehrbuch der Moral fur Theologen (1815). In these works he passed from a speculative and critical to a more em pirical and authoritative point of view. He was the first to attempt a history of ethics, 1794-1812 and later. His Geschichte der Sittenlehre Jesu(4 viols., 1799-1822) he did not complete. He confined himself later to the preparation of Geschichte der christlichen Moral seit dem Wiederaufleben der Wis senschaftert (1808). In addition appeared, Geschichte der philosophischen, hebrkischert and ehristlichen Moral (Hanover, 1806); and Geschiehte der Moral philosophie (1823). In church history he left Uni versalgeschichte der christlichen Kirche (Hanover, 1806); Geschichte der theologischen Wissenschctften (2 viols., Gottingen, 1810-11); Geschichte des Ra tionalismus and Supranaturalismus (1826); and Geschiehte and Litteratur der Kirehengesehiehte (Han over, 1827). (J. A. VVAGENMANNt.)

BInLIOCaerar: The chief source is the SeZbatbiographie, ed. J. T. Hemsen, Gottingen, 1828. Coryult further G. W. Frank, Geachichte der proteatantischen TheoZogie, iii. 292 sqq., Leipaic, 1875; ADB, xxxv. 516 sqq.