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domain of canon law at large. Even prior to that publication he had given his attention to Luther's marriage law, and he incorporated his Luthers Eherechtsweisheit, which first appeared in ZPK, in his Sammlung kirchenrechtlieher Abhandlungen (1873). An exhaustive summary is contributed by his very excellent Das gemeine deutsche Eherecht and seine Umbildung durch das R.-G. vom 6. Februar, 1876 (1882). With Roman Catholic canon law he occupied himself but little, publishing in 1847 a survey of the Concordat and constitutional oath, and later a number of briefer studies in periodicals. His last work in canon law, Staatsgesetzgebung and religi6se Kindererziehung, was published in Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Kirchenrecht (1891). E. SEHLIN(1.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: A. von StIhiln, Zur Brinnerung an Christoph Gottlieb Adolf Freiherr von Scheurl, Leipsic, 1893; Das Glau5ensbekenntnis tines Rechtlehrers Gus unserer Zeit, Carlsnlhe, 1899.

SCHIAN, shf'dn, MARTIN: German Lutheran; b. at Liegnitz (40 m. w.n.w. of Breslau), Silesia, Aug. 10, 1869. He was educated at the universities of Greifswald, Breslau (lie. theoL, 1896), Halle, and Leipsic (Ph.D., 1895), and at the preachers' seminary at Wittenberg. After being curate (1895 1896) and pastor (1896-1901) at Dalkau, Silesia, he was pastor in Gorlitz until 1906; privat-docent for practical theology at the University of Breslau and pastor of the Bernhardingemeinde in the same city 1906--08; and since 1908 professor of the same sub ject at Giessen. In theology he adheres to the older Ritschlian school. Besides work as editor on the Preussische Kirchenzeitung since 1905 and on Studien zur praktischen Theologie since 1907, he has written Die Scholastik im Zeitalter der Aufkldrung (Breslau, 1900) ; U nser Christenglaube (Freiburg, 1902, 2d ed., 1910); Das kirchliche Leben der evangelischen Kirche der Provinz Schlesien (Tiibingen, 1903); Der deutsche Roman seit Goethe (Gbrlitz, 1904); Die Predigt (Gottingen, 1906) 1906); Die evangelische Kirchen gemeinde (Giessen, 1907); Zur Beurteilung der modernen positiven Theologie (1907); and Die modeme Gemeinschaftsbewegung (Stuttgart, 1909).

SCHICRLER, FERNAND DE, BARON: French Protestant layman; b. at Paris Aug. 24, 1835; d. there Oct. 18, 1909. He early distinguished himself by his devotion to the cause of Protestantism in France, which his wealth enabled him materially to aid. He became president of the Societk de 1'histoire du protestantisme frangais,1865; president of the Societk biblique protestante de Paris, 1878; member of the Central Council of the Reformed Churches, 1879; and was president of the liberal delegation of the reformed churches of France, 1877. He contributed to the history of the Bible Society of Paris, Notices biographiques (1868); to the His toire de France dans les archives privies de la Grande Bretagne (1879); and published En Orient (Paris, 1862); Notice cur la Societe de l'histoire du Protestantisme franfais 1862-7.2 (1874); and the very elaborate Les 4glises frangaises du refuge en Angleterre (3 vols., 1892).

SCHIELE, shMe, FRIEDRICH MICHAEL: Lutheran; b. at Zeitz (23 m. s.w. of Leipsic) Nov. 11, 1867. He received his education at the gymnasium

at Naumburg and at the universities of Tiibingen and Halle; taught in the gymnasium of Schliichtern and Ottweiler, 1894-1900; on account of ill-health he then laid aside professional employment to devote himself to literary work in the departments of theology, philosophy, and pedagogics; in 1907 he again took up teaching, becoming privat-docent for church history in the University of Tiibingen. He has had editorial relations with the Philosophische Bibliothek, Die christliche Welt, Chronik der christlichen Welt, Religionsgeschichtliches Volksblatt, and Die Religion in Geschichte and Gegenwart; and has issued Kants Beweisgrund zu einer Demonstration des Dasein Gottes (Leipsic, 1902); an edition of Schleiermacher's blonologen (1902); Minnesang and Volkslied (1904); Sang and Spruch der Deutschen im 19. Jahrhundert (1904); Deutscher Glaube (1904); Religion. and Schule (1906); and Reformation des Klosters Schlfcchtern (1907).

SCHIJN, chain, HERMANNUS: Dutch Men nonite; b. at Amsterdam in 1622; d. there 1727. He studied medicine at Leyden and Utrecht, prac tised his profession at Rotterdam and then at Amsterdam, serving at the same time as minister of the conservative Mennonite church, upholding its faith both in his sermons and in his writings, and issuing a catechism, Kort Onderwijs des christelijken Geloofs (1697, and often). In opposition to the "Lamistic" (i.e., subjective-pietistic Socinian) party of his church, he maintained the traditional Biblical orthodox theology, rejecting with all Men nonites predestination and satisfaction for sin by Christ, and opposed union with the Socinian Collegi ants, though in his Pleniar deductio (see below) he spoke with respect of the leaders of the opposite party. He united with all schools of his church in the charities instituted for the oppressed Mennonites in other countries. But his significance lies in his at tempt to win respect for the Dutch Mennonites through his writings, showing that only in the mat ters of baptism, non-resistance, and the refusal of oaths did they differ from other Protestant bodies, that they had no connection or affiliation of feeling with such Anabaptists as John of Leyden (see MUENZER, ANABAPTISTS oF), but were descended from the Waldenses and thence from the apostolic church itself. His first apologetic work was Korte Historie der protestante Christenen die men Mennoniten of Doopsgezinden noemt (Amsterdam, 1711), which elicited from the Acta eruditorum (v., supplement pp. 85 sqq., Leipsic,1713) praise of . a high degree. It was extended in Historia Chris tianorum qui . . . Menntnito; appellantur (1723); Dutch transl., 1723, 1727). His Historice Jlennoni torum plenior deductio (1729) discusses the Men nonite background, confessions, and notable repre sentatives; there is a revised edition of this and his Uitvoeriger Verhandeling (2 vols., 1744), completed by Gerardus Maatachoen of Amsterdam, together with a third volume extending the biographies. S. CRAMER.

SCHINNER, shin'ner, MATTHIAS: Cardinal; b. at Muhlebach in upper Valais, Switzerland, in 1456; d. at Rome Sept. 30, 1522. He was educated at Zurich and Como, and became bishop of Sitten