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BIBLIOGRAPHY: W. S. Perry, The Bpiscopate in America, p. 235, New York, 1895.

SCHAEDER, shb'der, ERICH: German Protestant; b. at Clausthal (25 m. n.e. of Gottingen), Hanover, Dec. 22, 1861. He studied at the universities of Berlin and Greifawald from 1881 to 1886 (lie. theol., Greifswald, 1891); was inspector of the Tholuck Seminary at Halle (1887-89); privatdocent for New-Testament exegesis at Greifswald (1891); associate professor of the same subject at Konigsberg (1894-95) and at Gottingen (1895-99). Since 1899 he has been professor of systematic theology at Kiel. In theology he is conservative, and has written Die Bedeutung des lebendigen Christus fur die Rechtfertigung nach Paulus (Giitersloh, 1893); Ueber das Wesen des Christentums and seinen modernen Darstellungen (1904) ; Die Christologie der Bekenntnisse and die moderne Theologie (1905); Christenstand and kirchliche Lehre (Berlin, 1906); Die Ofenbarung Gottes in der Geschichte der christlichen Kirche (Gross-Liehterfelde, 1907); Der moderne Mensch and die Kirche (Giitersloh, 1908); Schriftglaube and Heilsgewissheit (1908); and Theozentrische Theologie, Eine Untersuchung zur dogmatischen Prinzipienlehre, vol. i. (Leipsie, 1909).

SCHAEFER, shb'fer, PHILIPP ALOYS: German Roman Catholic bishop of Saxony; b. at Dingelstadt (10 m. n.n.w. of Alfihlhausen), Saxony, May 2, 1853. He was educated at the universities of Prague (1873-74) and Wiirzburg (1874-78; D.D., 1878); was curate at Plauen and at the Hofkirche in Dresden (1879-81); professor of Biblical science at the Lyceum of Dillingen (1881-85); of New-Testament exegesis at the universities of Miinater (1885-95), Breslau (1895-1903), and Strasburg (1903-06), being also dean of Munster in 1887-88 and 1892-93, of Breslau in 1895-96 and 1901-02, and of Strasburg in 1903-05, and rector of Munster in 1890-91. In 1906 he was consecrated bishop of Saxony, and is also vicar apostolic in the kingdom of Saxony, apostolic prefect of Meissen-Lausitz, and dean of the cathedral of Bautzen. He has written Biblisehe Chronologie vom Auszuge aus Aegypten bis zum Beginn des babylonisehen Exils mit Beracksichtigung der Resultate der Aegyptologie urtd Assyriologie (Munster, 1879); Die Gottesmutter in der heiligen Sehrift (1887); Das Neue Testament erkldrt (4 vols., comprising Thessalonians, Galatians, Corinthians, Romans, and Hebrews; 1890-93); Einleitung in das Neue Testament (Paderborn, 1898); Die Aufgaben der Exegese nach ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung (Munster, 1900); Die Kaisererlasse vom 4. Feb., 1900, and die akademisch gebildeten Klassen (1901); and Klerus and soeiale Frage (1902).

SCHAEFER, PHILIPP HEINRICH WILHELM THEODOR: German Lutheran; b. at Friedberg (15 m. n. of Frankfort), Hesse, Feb. 17, 1846. He was educated at the universities of Giessen, Erlangen, and Leipsic, and at the seminary for preachers at Friedberg. He was pastor of the German Lutheran church in Paris in 1869-70 and inspector of the Seegelmannsche Anstalt at Alsterdorf, near Hamburg, in 1871-72. Since 1872 he has been pastor and director of the institute for deaconesses at Altona. In theology he is an orthodox member of his denomina-


tion, and, in addition to editing Korresponclenzblatt der Diakonissen-Anstalt in Alto" (Altona, 1873 sqq.); Monatsschrift fur innate Mission (Gutersloh,

1877 sqq.); Die innate Mission in Deutschland (1878 aqq.); Jahrbuch der Krx2ppelftirsorge (Hamburg, 1899 sqq.); Evangelisches Volkslexikon (Bielefeld, 1900), and Reden and Predigten vom Gebiet der Diakonie and inneren Mission (5 vols., Leipsie, 1890), has written Die Diakonissensache and die Diakonissenanstalt zu Altona (Bredstedt, 1875); Die weibliche Diakonie in ihrem ganzen Umfang dargestellt (3 vole., Hamburg, 1879-83); Leidfaden der inneren Mission. (1888); Praktisches Christentum (4 vols., Gutersloh, 1888-1901); DiakanissenKatechismus (1895); Die innate Mission in der

Schule (1895); Agenda fur die Feste and Feiern de; inneren Mission (3 parts, Berlin, 1896); Pariser Erinnerungen eines deutschen Pastors (Gutersloh, 1897); Kalender der inneren Mission (1897); Die innate Mission auf der Kanzel (Munich, 1897); Unsere Schwester, ein Wort fiber and fur die Diakonis-

sensache (Potsdam, 1903); and Johann Heinrich Wichern (GUtersloh, 1908).

SCHAEFFER, CHARLES FREDERICK: Lutheran (General Council); b. at Germantown, Pa., Sept. 3, 1807; d, at Philadelphia Nov. 23, 1879. He was educated at the University of Pennsylvania and

studied theology under private direction; was ordained in 1829; pastor at Carlisle, Pa., 1829-34; at Hagerstown, Md., 1834-39; professor of theology

at Capitol University, Columbus, O., 1840-13; pastor at Lancaster, O., 1843-45; at Red Hook, N. Y., 1845-51; at Easton, Pa., 1851-55; professor of the

German language at Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa., 1855-64; and professor of systematic theology and president at the new theological seminary at Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, 1864-79. He was a representative of the strictly conservative and confessional party in the Lutheran Church, taking a leading part in the organization of the General Council in 1867. Among his works are English translations, of G. V. Lechler's commentary on Acts (1869) in J. P. Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures (New York, 1865-80); of Johann Arndt's Wahre Christenthum with title True Christianity (Philadelphia, 1869); and of J. H. Kurtz's Church History (1868).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: The Life by B. M. 3ehmucker and W. J. Mann, Philadelphia. 1830; and H. E. Jacobs, in American Church History Series, passim, New York, 1903.

SCHAEFFER, CHARLES WILLIAM: Lutheran (General Council); b. at Hagerstown, Md., May 5, 1813; d. at Philadelphia Mar. 15, 1896. He graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, 1832, and at the Gettysburg Theological Seminary, 1835; was pastor in Montgomery County, Pa., 1835-41; at Harrisburg, Pa., 1841-49; Germantown, Pa., 1849-75; professor of ecclesiastical history in the theological seminary at Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, 1864-96; and a member of the board of trustees of the University of Pennsylvania from 1857. He was one of the leaders of the conservative conf essional petty in the Lutheran Church, in whose councils he stood high. He was an authority on the history of the development of the Lutheran