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reader of his great encyclicals. The attitude of his illustrious successor is the same.

In the minds of many non-Catholic Americans there exists a distrust of Catholicism, but for this suspicion there is no foundation in American history; it was imported, and it is about as old as the Reformation in England. The privilege of living in an enlightened state under a constitution of government such as the world has never seen, is appreciated by Roman Catholics as fully as it is by men of other creeds, and that fact begets as high a degree of loyalty. If our Federal state is ever menaced by socialism, one of its greatest resources will be found in the patriotism of its millions of Roman Catholics.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: The literature on the Roman Catholic Church prior to the Reformation is that on the Church at large apart from that on the oriental churches, and the works which stand out are cited in the article CHURCH HISTORY. Much relevant material is to be found in the bibliographies to the articles to which cross reference is made in the text, as well as in the articles on the popes and the various notables and ecclesiastics found throughout this work, as well as under such articles as CURIA; POPE, PAPACY, PAPAL SYSTEM; ULTRAmGNTAmam, and the like. A reference list in certain important departments is given in this work in vol. i., pp. xxii.-xxiv. The literature, historical, apologetic, and polemic, is so vast that only a comparatively small selection can be given here. The history, dogma, and apologetics of the church in all their branches are set forth in the KL, and in The Catholic Encyclopedia, New York, 1907 sqq. A very large list of books is given in G. K. Fortescue's Subject Index . of the British Museum, under " Roman Catholics," London, 1903-08. Other lists of literature are: J. M. Finotti, Bibliographia Catholica Americana; List of Works by Catholics Authors and Publishers in the U. S., 178/,18.80, New York, 1872; D. Gla, Systematisch geordnetes Repertorium der katholisch-theolopischen Litteratur . .

1700-1900, 2 vols., Paderbom, 1895-1904; A Complete Catalogue of Catholic Literature; containing all Catholic Books published in the United States together with a Selection from the Catalogues of the Catholic Publishers of England and Ireland, Boston, 1910.

Among works to be named on Roman Catholic apologetics and dogmatics is the fullest repository of Roman Catholic theological learning, viz., Migne's Nouvelle encyclopMie thcolopique, 52 vole., Paris, 1850 sqq., to which are to be added the KL, and the Catholic Encyclopedia, ut sup. Consult further: R. F. R. Bellarmin, Disputations& de controversiis Chrsstiano fidei, 4 vols., Ingolatadt, 15811593 (standard; often republished); J. B. Bossuet, Exposition de la doctrine de fklise catholique sur lee malijrea de controverse, Paris, 1671 (standard); B. J. Hilgers, Symbolische Theologie oder die Lehrgegensatze des Katholicis mus and Protestantismus, Bonn, 1841; J. L. Bahnez, El Protestantismo comparado con el Catolicismo en sue relaciones con la civilizacion Buropea, 2d ed., 4 vols., Barcelona, 1844-45, Eng. transl., Protestantism and Catholicity Compared in their Effects on the Civilization of Europe, London, 1849, 10th ed., Baltimore, 1868; J. J. 1. yon D511inger, Kirche and Kirchen, Papatthum and KirchenstaAMunich 1861- J. Gibbons (cardinal), The Faith of our Fathers, New York, 1871, Baltimore, 1890, and often (the circulation has run up into the hundreds of thousands); J. Perrone, Prdlectiones eheohqicae, 36th ed., Regensburg, 1881; R. Soeder, Der Begri$ der Katholicitat der Kirche, Wiirzburg, 1881; J. P. Gary, Compendium theolopice moralie, New York, 1884; N. A. Perujo, El Apolopista catblico, 2 vole., Valencia, 1884; E. Sala, La Religione cattoliea eaposta edifesa, Milano, 1884; G. Baluffi, The Charity of the Church a Proof of her Divinity, Dublin, 1885; Faith of Catholics: confirmed by Scripture and attested by the Fathers of the First Five Centuries of the Church, 3 vols., New York, 1885, 4th ed., 1910 (J. Berington and J. Kirk, compilers); J. J. Moriarty. The Keys of the Kingdom; or, the unfailing Promise, ib. 1885; C. F. B. Allnatt, The Church and the Sects, 2 ser., London, 1887-


1890; P. Schanz, Christian Apology, 3 vols., New York, 1891; W. Byrne, The Catholic Doctrine of Faith and Morals, Boston, 1892; D. Lyons, Christianity and Infallibility; both or neither, London and New York, 1892; J. D. G. Shea and R. H. Clarke, Our Faith and its Defenders, New York, 1892; J. A. Mohler, Symbolik oder Daratellung der dogmatiachen Gegenadtze der Katholiken and Protestanten, 9th ed., Regensburg, 1894, Eng. transl., Symbolism; or, Exposition of the doctrinal Differences between Catholics and Protestants as evidenced in their symbolical Writings, 5th ed., London, 1906 (standard); L. Rivington, The Primitive Church and the See of Peter, New York, 1894; C. Pesch, Prwlectiones Dogmaticm, 9 vols., St. Louis, 1895-99; P. Bold, Catholic Doctrine and Discipline simply Explained, London, 1896; W. W. Pounch, The Catholic Church. An Explanation of her Faith, her Ministry and her Sacraments, New York, 1896; G. Tyrrell, External Religion; its Use and Abuse, St. Louis, 1899; A. de Silas y Gilavert, Influence of Catholicism on the Sciences and Arts, St. Louis, 1901; A. Ehrhard, Der Katholizismus and das zwonzigste Jahrhunded im Lichte der kirchlichen Entvoickelung der Neuzeit, 12th ed., Stuttgart, 1902; W. Devivier, Christian Apologetics; Defense of the Catholic Faith, 2 vols., New York, 1903; R. Merry del Val, Truth of the Papal Claims, St. Louis, 1903; 3I. J. Scheeben, Handbuch der katholiachen Dopmatik, 4 vole., Freiburg, 1903; C. M. Schneider, Die fundamentale Glaubenslehre der kathodischen Kirche. Aus den papstlichen Kundgebungen, Paderbom, 1903; J. Burg, Konlroveralexikon. Die konfessionellen Streitfragen zwischen Katholiken and Protestanten, Esslingen, 1905 (combats Kohlschmidt); J. Chapman, Bishop Gore and the Catholic Claims, London, 1905; M. HEbert, L'Evolution de la foi catholique, Paris, 1905; J. H. Newman, Addresses to Cardinal Newman with his Replies, 187'9-8t , London, 1905; G. Reinhold, Der alte and der neue Glaube. Bin Beitrag zur Verteidigung des katholischen Chriatentums gegen seine modernen Gepner, Vienna, 1908; H. E. Sampson, Progressive Redemption. The Catholic Church, its Functions and Office in the World, London, 1909; especially the works of Cardinals Newman and Wiseman (named in the articles on them).

Some examples of anti-Roman polemics are: If. Chemnits, Examen concilii Tridentini, 1686-73, new ed., by E. Preuss, Berlin, 1861, there was an Eng. trans]., London, 1582 (damaging to papal claims); I. Barrow, Treatise on the Popes Supremacy, ib. 1680, new ed., 1881; P. K. Marheineke, Des System des Katholicismus, 3 vols., Heidelberg, 1810-13; R. Whately, The Errors of Romanism Traced to their Origin in Human Nature, London. 1830; F. C. Baur, Der Gegensatz des Katholicismus and Protestantiamus, T0bingen, 1836 (against Mbhler); P. Schaff, Das Princip des Protestantismus, Chambersburg, Pa., 1845; idem, Creeds, i. 83-191, ii. 77-274; C. Wordsworth, Letters to Mr. Gordon on the Destructive Character of the Church of Rome, both in Religion and Policy, London, 1847; J. Bragden, Catholic Safeguards against the Errors, Corruptions, and Novelties of the Church of Rome; being Discourses and Tracts selected from the Writing of Divines . who lived during the Seventeenth Century, 3 vols., ib. 1849-51; C. Elliott, Delineation of Romanism Drawn from the Authentic and Acknowledged Standards of the Church of Rome, 2 vols., New York, 1851; F. D. Maurice, The Religion of Rome and its Influence on Modern Civilization, London, 1855; J. C. Hare, The Contest with Rome, ib. 1856; J. Cairns, Romanism and Rationalism as Opposed to Pure Christianity, ib. 1863; E. B. Pusey, Ireniron, 3 parts, Oxford, 1856-70; H. L. Martensen, Katholicismus and Prolestantismus, Gutersloh, 1874; Proceedings o) the Evangelical Alliance Conference of 1873, pp. 449-466. New York, 1874; J. Delitzseh, Das Lehrsystem der ramischen Kirche, Gotha, 1875; W. E. Gladstone, Rome and the Newest Fashions in Religion, London, 1875; E. de Laveleye, Protestantism and Catholicism in their Bearings upon the Liberty and Prosperity of Nations, ib. 1875; S. W. Barnum, Romaniam as it is; an Exposition of the Roman Catholic System for the Use of the American People, new ed., Hartford, 1876; R. W Thompson, The Papacy and the Civil Power, New York, 1876; C. A. Hase, Handbuch der protestantischen Polemik gegen die ramisch-katholische Kirche, 4th ed., Leipsie 1878, Eng. transl, Handbook to the Controversy with Rome, London, 1906, rev. ed., 1909; R. Jenkim, Romanism, a Doctrinal and Historical Exam-