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Garnier Gasquet THE NEW SCHAFF-HERZOG 482

became president of Avery College, but soda resigned this position and returned to Shiloh Church. He was appointed minister and consul-general to Liberia in June, 1881.

GARNIER, gdr"nyb', JEAN: French Jesuit; b. at Paris Nov. 11, 1612; d. at Bologna Oct. 26, 1681. He joined the order of the Jesuits at the age, of sixteen, and soon demonstrated his theological talent and his aptness for study and teaching. For forty years he held professorships of ancient lan guages, rhetoric, theology, and philosophy, and pub lished numerous works, the value of which could not be denied even by enemies of the order. Of lasting importance are his Pelagian studies, compri sing awork on the Pelagian Bishop Julian of Eclanum (Juliani Eelanensis episVpi libellus fWei Primum edilus cum nods et dissertationibus trios, Paris, 1648), as well as his edition of the writings of Marius Mercator (1673) with a commentary and treatises on Pelagianism. Such was the excellence of this latter work that when Cardinal Noris saw it, he declared that his own book on the history of the Pelagian heresy would have remained unwritten if he had seen the Marius Mercator at an earlier date. In 1675 Garnier edited the Breviarium causce Nestorianorum et Eutychianorum of the Carthage archdeacon Liberatus, appending learned notes and excursus of his own. He also dis cussed other problems of church history in the three dissertations which he appended to his Leer diurnus Romanorum pontificum (1680). After the death of Garnier his supplement to the works of Theodoret was edited by Hardouin, a brother of the same order, with a preface containing a biogra phy of tile author (Paris, 1684). His earliest works, Organi philosophim rudiments (Paris, 1651) and Regulee falei catholicee de gratis Dei Per Jeaum Christum (Bourges, 1655), are less noteworthy. He wrote also T raetatus de o f ficiis con f essoris erga singula pcenitentium genera (Paris, 1689), and Systems bibliothecoe eollegii Parisiensis S. J. (1678).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Hurter, Nomenclator literarius, ii. 484, 831, Innsbruck, 1893; De Backer, Bibliothaqae de la compagnis de Jiaw, ed. C. $ommervogel, iii. 1228 sqq., Paris 1892; %L, v. 104-I05.

GARNIER, JULIEN: French Benedictine of the Congregation of 'St. Maur; b. at Connerrd (16 m. e. of Le Mans). c. 1670; d. at Charenton (5 m. s.e. of Paris) June 3,.172,5. In 1699 he joined the Maurist order, and became the collaborator of the famous Dom Mabillon. His thorough knowledge of the Greek language and literature led his order to entrust him with the preparation of a new edition of the works of Basil, and after 1701 he devoted all his time and energy to this tremendous undertaking. The first volume appeared after twenty years of uninterrupted toil (Paris, 1721), and in the following year he published the second. His labors had worn him out, however, and he died before the publication of the third volume, which was prepared by Dom Prudent Mayan (1730).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Hurter, Nomenclator 1 %terariue, ii. 1106, Innsbruck, 1893.

GARRETT, ALEXANDER CHARLES: Protestant Episcopal bishop of Dallas, Tex.; b. at Bally-

mote (13 m. s.w. of Sligo), County Sligo, Ireland, Nov. 4, 1832. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin (B.A., 1855), was ordered deacon (1856) and ordained priest (1857). After being curate of East Worldham, Hampshire (1856-59), he was a missionary in British Columbia for ten years, being evening lecturerat the cathedral in Victoria; missionary to the Indians, naval chaplain at Esquimalt, rector of St. Paul's, Nanaims, and missionary to the miners at Cariboo.- He was rector of St. James', San Francisco . (1870-72), and dean of Trinity Cathedral, Omaha, Neb. (1872-74). In 1874 he was consecrated missionary bishop of Northern Texas, and on the creation of the diocese of Dallas in 1895 became bishop of that see. He was the founder of St. Mary's Institute for girls at Dallas, and also secured the erection of St. Matthew's Cathedral in the same city. He has written Historical Continuity (New York, 1875) and The Philosophy of the Incarnation (Baldwin lectures; 1891).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: W. s. Perry, The Episcopate in America, p. 229, New York, 1895.

GARRIGAN, PHILIP JOSEPH: Roman Catholic bishop of Sioux City, Ia.; b. at Cavan (26 m. s.s.e. of Enniskillen), County Cavan, Ireland, Sept. 8, 1840. He was educated at St. Charles' College, Ellicott City, Md. (1862-66), and St. Joseph's Provincial Seminary, Troy, N. Y., from which he was graduated in 1870. After being curate of St. John's, Worcester, Mass. 1870-73, he was vice president of St. Joseph's Provincial Seminary 18731875, and rector of St. Bernard's Church, Fitchburg, Mass., 1875-88. He was then vice-rector of the Catholic University of America, Washington, 1888-1902, and in 1902 was consecrated bishop of the newly created diocese of Sioux City.

GARRUCCI, gdr-ru'cht, RAFFAELE : Italian Jesuit and archeologist; b. at Naples Jan. 23,1812; d. at Rome May 5, 1885. He entered the Society of Jesus at the age of fourteen, and after 1845 published numerous monographs and books on Christian archeology, including numismatics, , epigraphy, painting, sculpture, and the art of the catacombs in all its ramifications. His principal works are : Antichitd dei Bebiani (Naples, 1845); La Storia di Isermia (1848); Tre sepolchri del cimiterio di Pretestato in Roma (1852); Questioni pompejani (1853); Inscriptions gravces sur les murs de Pompei (Brussels, 1854); 11 Crocifrsso graffito in casa dei Cesari (Rome, 1857); Yetri ornati di figure in oro trovati nei cimiteri dei Cristiani primitivi (1858); Monumenti del Museo Lateranense (2 vols., 1862); Cimiterno degli antichi Ebrei scoperto in vigna Randanini (1862); Storia dell' ante cristiana nei primi Otto secoli dells ehiesa (6 vols., Prato, 1872-81); and Le Monete dell' Italic antica (Rome, 1885). He also prepared the first edition of the Hagivglypta Rive pieturm et seulpturm sacree antiquiores prcesertim qutv homes reperiuntur, which had been written by Jean 1'Heureux (Macarius) as early as 1605 (Paris, 1856).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: De Backer, BibliotALqm de la compagnie de June, ed. C. 8ommervogel, vol. iii., Paris, 1892; 3limmen Gus Maria-Laarl4 x. 158-180; %L, v. 105-108.