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England, Church of THE NEW SCgA , ,-gERZOG 11§aglaad and Wales i$g
27 vole., Oxford, 1822-28; G. Burnet, Hint. of the Reformation, 7 vole., xford 1865; D. Neal, Hist. of the Puritans, new ad., 2 vole., London, 1843; cf. also F. $eebohm, Oxford Reformers 3d ed., London, 1887; and the general works upon the Reformation.
On the general history consult: the Opera of Bede; J. Usaher Exleaiarum Britannieanam anMquitatea, in the Works, ad. C. R. Elrington, 18 vole, Dublin, 1847-82; E. $tilling9eet, Originea Bridannscae, ed. Pantin, 2 vole., Oxford, 1842; T. Fuller, Church Hist. of Britain, ad. J. Nichols, 3 vole., London, 1888; J. Inett, Oripinea Angli cana·, ad. J. Griffiths, 3 vole., Oxford, 1855 (in continua tion of $tillingfleet); J. Collier, Eed. Hiat. of Great Britain, bested., 9 vole., London, 1840 (goes through the reign of Charles IL); J. Grant, Hist. of the English Church and of the Sects. . math Answers to Each Dissenting Body, 4 vole., London, 1811-25 (goes through the reign of George III.); E. Cardwell, Documentary Annals of the Reformed Church of England, 16/,8-1718, 2 vole., Oxford, 1844; G. Weber, Geachichte der akatholiaehen Ifsrchen and Sekten von Groaabritannien, 2 vole., Leipeic, 1846-b3; J. 8. M. Anderson, Hiat. of the Church of England in the Colonies, 3 vols., London, 1858; G. G. Parry, Hiet. of the Church of England, 3 vole., ib. 1882-84; R. W. Dixon, History of the Church of England from the Abolition of the Roman Jurisdiction, 4 vole., ib. 1878-91; A. Martineau, Church H%at, in England . to the Reformation ib. 1878; R. Barclay, Inner Life of the Religious Societies of the Common wealth, 2 vole., ib. 1879; E. Churton, The Early English Church, ib. 1879; J. Stoughton, Hist. of Religion %n Eng land, iBl,O-1800, 8 vole., ib. 1881; idem, Religion in England during the First Half of the Present Century, 2 vole., ib. 1884; C. J. Abbey sad J. H. Overton, The Eng lish Church in the 18Th Century, 2 vole., ib. 1887; W. Stubbs, Regiatrum sacrum Anplicanum, Oxford, 1897; a new ad. of Stubbs' Lectures on Early English Church Hiat., ed. A. Haseall, appeared, ib. 1908; W. A. Shaw , Hilt. of the English Church, iB,#0-1880, 2 vole., ib. 1900; J. H. Overton, The Church in England, 2 vole., ib. 1903. Convenient handbooks are: G. G. Parry, Student's Church Hid. of England, 3 vole., ib. 1878-87; A. C. Jennings, Ec cTeaia Anglicans, ib. 1882; H. Gee, The Elizabethan Clergy and the Settlement of Religion, Oxford, 1898; H. C. G. Moule, Evangelical School in the Church of Eng land; its Men and its Work in the 19th Century, Lon don, 1901; A. Plummer, English Church Hiet., 1609 170.8 3 vole., Edinburgh, 1904-07; T. Allison, Lectures on English Church Hiat .. . . 1708, London, 1908; A. GaequeL, Henry VIII and the English Monasteries, ib. 1908 (Roman Catholic); $. R. Maitland, The Reformation in England, New York, 1908; H. N. Birt, The Elizabethan Religious settlement, a Study of Contemporary Document, London, 1907 (Roman Catholic); J. H. Overton, The Angli can Revival, New York, 1907; W. B. Carpenter, Popular Hilt. of the Church of England, London, 1908; G. R. Bal leine, A Hint of the Evangelical party in the Church of England, ib. 1908.On coundils and church law: D. Wilkins, Conciiia Mapnos Britannia, 4 vole., London, 1737; E. Cardwell, Syrwdalia, a Collection of Articka of Religious Canons and Proceedings of Convocation in the Province of Canterbury, 2 vole., Oxford, 1842; F. Makower, The Constitutional Hist. and Constitution of the Church of England, London. 1895; R. J. Phillimore, The Ecclesiastical Law of the Church of England, ad. W. G. F. Phiitimore and C. F. Jemmett. 2 vole., London, 1895; W. Stubbs, The Constitutional Hist. of Englan, 3 vole., Oxford, 1897; idem, Select Charters of English Court Hiat., ib. 1900; F. W. Maitland, Roman Canon Lam %n the Church of England, London, 1898; H. H. Henson, The National Church; Essays. on its Hist. and Constitution, ib., 1908; Gee and Hardy, Documents.
Congregationalists , Baptists, Theological Schools (¢ 5). Calvinistic Methodists (¢ 3).
England and Wales constitute two divisions ofthe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. They are divided into fifty-two counties, forty in England land twelve in Wales, and have an area of
58,323 square miles and a population (1901) of 32,526,075. The established Church is the Church of England (see ENGLAND, CHURCH oF), but all other religious bodies are fully recognised and tolerated, and no civil disability attaches to any class of British subjects because of their religious beliefs or unbelief. Since no religious census of Great Britain has recently been taken, the statistics of the present article are drawn from year-books and other sources, so that the figures represent not only different years, but also refer sometimes to England alone, sometimes to England and Wales, and sometimes to the British Isles.
In the Established Church in England and Wales there are two archbishops, thirty-five bishops, thirty suffragan and two assistant bishops. Under the bishops are thirty-two deans,
><. Estalr ninety-five archdeacons, and eight hun-lished dred and ten rural deans. For the Church. management of ecclesiastical 8,ffairs, each of the archbishoprics, or " provinces," has a council, or Convocation (q.v.), consisting of the bishops, archdeacons, and deans in person, and of a certain number of proctors as the representatives of the clergy. These councils are summoned by the respective archbishops in pursuance of the king's command. When assembled, they must have the king's license before they can deliberate and also the sanction of the crown to their resolutions before they are binding on the clergy, so that their actual power is extremely limited. The number of civil parishes (districts for which a separate poor rate is or can be made) was 14,900 at the census of 1901. These, however, seldom coincide with ecclesiastical parishes, which, during recent years, have lost their old importance, the ancient parishes having been frequently divided into districts, each of which is virtually an independent parish. Of such parishes there were 14,080 in 1901, including those of the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. Since 1818 the Church Building Society and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners have formed upward of 3 000 new ecclesiastical parishes. Each parish has its church, presided over by an incumbent in priest's orders, and known as rector, vicar, or perpetual curate according to his relation to the temporalities of his parish. Private persona possess the right of presentation to about 8,500 benefices; the patronage of the others belongs mainly to the king, the bishops and cathedrals, the Lord Chancellor, and the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. The census returns for 1901 gave the number of the clergy of the Church of England as 25,235. In 1905 there were 14,029 incumbents and about 7,500 curates and unbeneficed clergy, while the non-active list comprised about 4,000. The church accommodation, according to returns by 13 948 incumbents, was as follows: in pariah churches, 5,774,608; in chapels-of-ease, 674,038; in mission-rooms, etc., 733,607; total 7,182,253. The number of communicants was estimated at 2,223,207; of Sunday School teachers at 209,338; of Sunday School scholars at 2,467,902. The gross annual income of the clergy in 1904-05 was estimated at £4,539,350, and the net income at £3,574,430. The amount of the voluntary coniributiona