Paul Silentiarius, in dark and poetic language,
describes the various stones and marbles that were employed in
the edifice of St. Sophia, (P. ii. p. 129, 133, etc., etc.:)
- The Carystian - pale, with iron veins.
- The Phrygian - of two sorts, both of a rosy hue; the one with
a white shade, the other purple, with silver flowers.
- The Porphyry of Egypt - with small stars.
- The green marble of Laconia.
- The Carian - from Mount Iassis, with oblique veins, white and
- The Lydian - pale, with a red flower.
- The African, or Mauritanian - of a gold or saffron hue.
- The Celtic - black, with white veins.
- The Bosphoric - white, with black edges.
Besides the
Proconnesian which formed the pavement; the Thessalian,
Molossian, etc., which are less distinctly painted.
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