Hymns and Poems
- A spotless Rose is blowing
- All things hang on our possessing
- As a bird at dawning singeth
- As a bird in meadows fair
- Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come
- Fourth Sunday After Easter: The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
- Fourth Sunday in Lent: Confession of Sin
- God, it is Thy property
- Hear, O my God, low at Thy feet I bend me
- Holy Ghost! my Comforter
- Holy Spirit, once again
- In God's name let us on our way
- Jesu be ne'er forgot
- Jesus, the merit
- Let us all with gladsome voice
- Lord, hear the voice of my complaint
- My God, in Thee all fulness lies
- My inmost heart now raises
- My life is hid in Jesus
- Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity: Living Faith
- O Christ, Thou bright and Morning Star
- O World, I must forsake thee
- Rejoice, dear Christendom, to-day
- Rejoice, rejoice, ye Christians
- St. Peter
- Sixth Sunday after Trinity: Self Surrender to God
- So holy is this day of days
- Third Sunday after Epiphany: The Word of God
- Thou burning Love, Thou holy Flame
- Thy Word, O Lord, is gentle dew
- We Christians may rejoice to-day
- When on the cross the Saviour hung
- When the last agony draws nigh
- Who puts his trust in God most just
- Why is it that life is no longer sad