32 (XXX.--"Freut euch, ihr lieben Christen.")
Original Tune.
Freut euch, ihr lieben Christen
Anon., early
Rejoice, rejoice, ye Christians, With all your hearts this morn! O hear the blessed tidings, "The Lord, the Christ, is born," Now brought us by the angels That stand about God's throne; Oh lovely are the voices ||:That make such tidings known.:|| | Oh hearken to their singing, "This Child shall be your Friend, The Father so hath will'd it, That thus your woes should end; The Son is freely given, That in Him ye may have The Father's grace and blessing, ||:And know He loves to save.:|| | Nor deem the form too lowly That clothes Him at this hour; For know ye what it hideth? 'Tis God's almighty power. Though now within the manger So poor and weak He lies, He is the Lord of all things, ||:He reigns above the skies.:|| | Sin, Death, and Hell, and Satan Have lost the victory; This Child shall overthrow them, As ye shall surely see; Their wrath shall nought avail them, Fear not, their reign is o'er; This Child shall overthrow them,-- ||:Oh hear and doubt no more.":|| | |