L. M.
A morning hymn. Psa. 19:5,8; 73:24,25.
354 God of the morning! at whose voice The cheerful sun makes haste to rise, And like a giant doth rejoice To run his journey through the skies. | From the fair chambers of the east The circuit of his race begins, And, without weariness or rest, Round the whole earth he flies and shines. | O like the sun may I fulfil Th' appointed duties of the day, With ready mind and active will March on and keep my heav'nly way. | [But I shall rove and lose the race, If God, my sun, should disappear, And leave me in this world's wild maze, To follow every wand'ring star. | Lord, thy commands are clean and pure, Enlight'ning our beclouded eyes; Thy threat'nings just, thy promise sure, Thy gospel makes the simple wise.] | Give me thy counsel for my guide, And then receive me to thy bliss; All my desires and hopes beside Are faint and cold compared with this. | |