L. M.
The strength of Christ's love. SSong 8:5-7,13,14.
353 [Who is this fair one in distress, That travels from the wilderness? And pressed with sorrows and with sins, On her beloved Lord she leans. | This is the spouse of Christ our God, Bought with the treasure of his blood; And her request and her complaint Is but the voice of every saint.] | "O let my name engraven stand Both on thy heart and on thy hand; Seal me upon thine arm, and wear That pledge of love for ever there. | "Stronger than death thy love is known, Which floods of wrath could never drown; And hell and earth in vain combine To quench a fire so much divine. | "But I am jealous of my heart, Lest it should once from thee depart; Then let thy name be well impressed As a fair signet on my breast. | "Till thou hast brought me to thy home, Where fears and doubts can never come, Thy count'nance let me often see, And often thou shalt hear from me. | "Come, my Beloved, haste away, Cut short the hours of thy delay; Fly like a youthful hart or roe Over the hills where spices grow." | |