Showing 25 terms beginning with B.
- Babylas, bp. of Antioch
- Bachiarius, monk
- Bardaisan, Syrian theologian
- Barsumas,Syrian archimandrite
- Barsumas, Nestorian bp. of Nisibis
- Basilides, Gnostic sect founder
- Basiliscus, bp. of Comana
- Basilius of Ancyra, bp. of Ancyra
- Basilius of Ancyra, a presbyter
- Basilius, bp. of Caesarea in Cappadocia
- Basilius, friend of Chrysostom
- Basilius of Cilicia, presbyter of Antioch
- Basilius, bp. of Seleucia
- Beda, historian
- Benedictus of Nursia, abbott of Monte Cassino
- Benedictus I., pope
- Bertha, wife of Ethelbert, king of Kent
- Beryllus, bp. of Bostra
- Blandina, martyr
- Boëthius, Anicius Manlius Severinus
- Bonifacius I., pope
- Bonifacius II., pope
- Bonosus, founder of Bonosiani sect
- Bosphorius, bp. of Colonia
- Brigida, abbess of Kildare