Showing 97 terms beginning with A.
- Abercius, bp. of Hierapolis
- Abgar
- Acacius, bp. of Caesarea
- Acacius, bp. of Beroea
- Acacius, patriarch of Constantinople
- Acephali
- Adamantius (1)
- Aerius, founder of the heretical sect of the Aerians
- Aetius, an Arian sect founder and head
- Africanus, Julius
- Agapetus, bp. of Rome
- Agatha
- Agnes
- Agnoëtae
- Alaric
- Albanus
- Albion
- Alexander, of Alexandria
- Alexander, of Byzantium
- Alexander, of Hierapolis Euphratensis
- Alexander, bp. of Jerusalem
- Alexander I., bp. of Rome
- Alogians, or Alogi
- Ambrosiaster, or Pseudo-Ambrosius
- Ambrosius of Alexandria
- Ambrosius of Greece
- Ambrosius of Milan
- Ammon (Amon), St
- Ammonius
- Ammonius Saccas
- Amphilochius, archbishop of Iconium
- Amphilochius, bp. of Sida
- Anastasia
- Anastasius, a presbyter of Antioch
- Anastasius I., bp. of Rome
- Anastasius II, bp. of Rome
- Anastasius Sinaita
- Anatolius, bp. of Constantiople
- Anatolius, bp. of Laodicea in Syria Prima
- Ancyra, Seven Martyrs of
- Andreas of Caesarea
- Andreas Samosatensis of Samosata
- Anicetus, bp. of Rome
- Anomoeans
- Anonomastus
- Anthimus, bp. of Tyana
- Anthropolatrae
- Anthropomorphitae
- Antidikomarianitae
- Antiochus, bp. of Ptolemais
- Antipopes
- Antoninus, Pius, emperor
- Antonius
- Aphraat (Aphrahat, Farhad)
- Aphthartodocetae, a sect of Monophysites
- Apion
- Apolinaris, or Apolinarius Claudius
- Apollinarianism, Apollinarians, Apollinarists
- Apollinaris, St. and Mart
- Apollinaris the Elder, of Alexandria
- Apollinaris the Younger, bp. of Laodicea
- Apollonius, M
- Apollonius of Ephesus
- Apollonius of Tyana
- Apostolic Fathers
- Apostolici
- Apphianus, or Appianus, or Amphianus, M
- Aquila
- Archelaus, supposed bishop of Carchar
- Arethas, bp. of Caesarea in Cappadocia, and Andreas, an earlier archbp. of the same see
- Arinthaeus, a general under Valens
- Aristides, of Athens
- Aristion
- Aristo Pellaeus
- Arius, the heresiarch
- Arius, Followers of
- Arnobius
- Arnobius, Junior
- Arsacius
- Arsenius
- Artemon, Artemonites
- Asterius, a bishop of Arabia
- Asterius, bp. of Amasea
- Athanasius, archbishop of Alexandria
- Athanius, bp. of Anagastus
- Athanasius, bp. of Scythopolis
- Athanasius, bp. of Perrha
- Athanasius, bp. of Ancyra
- Athenagoras
- Atticus, archbp. of Constantinople
- Attila, king and general of the Huns
- Augustinus, Aurelius
- Augustinus, archbp. of Canterbury
- Aurelian, Roman emperor
- Aurelius, Marcus, Roman emperor
- Ausonius, Decimus Magnus, poet
- Avitus, Alcimus Ecdicius, archbishop of Vienne