Basiliscus, bp. of Comana
Basiliscus, martyr, bp. of Comana, martyred with Lucianus at Nicomedia
under Maximin, a.d.312 (Pallad.
Dial. de V. St. Chrys. xi., misreading, however, Maximian for Maximin). St.
Chrysostom, when exiled, was received upon his journey in a "martyrium," built some
five or six miles out of Comana in memory of Basiliscus, and there died and was
buried (Theod. H. E. v. 30; Soz. viii. 28; Pallad. as above; Niceph. xiii.
37). Basiliscus is said to have been shod with iron shoes, red hot, and then beheaded
and thrown into the river (Menol. in Baron. May 22).