
« Laver of Brass Law of God, The Law of Moses, The »

Law of God, The

Is absolute and perpetual — Mt 5:18.


To Adam. — Ge 2:16,17; Ro 5:12-14.

To Noah. — Ge 9:6.

To the Israelites. — Ex 20:2-17; Ps 78:5.

Through Moses. — Ex 31:18; Joh 7:19.

Through the ministration of angels. — Ac 7:53; Ga 3:19; Heb 2:2.

Described as

Pure. — Ps 19:8.

Spiritual. — Ro 7:14.

Holy, just, and good. — Ro 7:12.

Exceeding broad. — Ps 119:96.

Perfect. — Ps 19:7; Ro 12:2.

Truth. — Ps 119:142.

Not grievous. — 1Jo 5:3.

Requires obedience of the heart — Ps 51:6; Mt 5:28; 22:37.

Requires perfect obedience — De 27:26; Ga 3:10; Jas 2:10.

Love is the fulfilling of — Ro 13:8,10; Ga 3:10; Jas 2:10.

It is man’s duty to keep — Ec 12:13.

Man, by nature, not in subjection to — Ro 7:5; 8:7.

Man cannot render perfect obedience to — 1Ki 8:46; Ec 7:20; Ro 3:10.

Sin is a transgression of — 1Jo 3:4.

All men have transgressed — Ro 3:9,19.

Man cannot be justified by — Ac 13:39; Ro 3:20,28; Ga 2:16; 3:11.

Gives the knowledge of sin — Ro 3:20; 7:7.

Works wrath — Ro 4:15.

Conscience testifies to — Ro 2:15.

Designed to lead to Christ — Ga 3:24.

Obedience to

A characteristic of saints. — Re 12:17.

A test of love. — 1Jo 5:3.

Of prime importance. — 1Co 7:19.

Blessedness of keeping — Ps 119:1; Mt 5:19; 1Jo 3:22,24; Re 22:14.


Came to fulfil. — Mt 5:17.

Magnified. — Isa 42:21.

Explained. — Mt 7:12; 22:37-40.

The love of, produces peace — Ps 119:165.


Freed from the bondage of. — Ro 6:14; 7:4,6; Ga 3:13.

Freed from the curse of. — Ga 3:13.

Have, written on their hearts. — Jer 31:33; Heb 8:10.

Love. — Ps 119:97,113.

Delight in. — Ps 119:77; Ro 7:22.

Prepare their hearts to seek. — Ezr 7:10.

Pledge themselves to walk in. — Ne 10:29.

Keep. — Ps 119:55.

Pray to understand. — Ps 119:18.

Pray for power to keep. — Ps 119:34.

Should remember. — Mal 4:4.

Should make the subject of their conversation. — Ex 13:9.

Lament over the violation of, by others. — Ps 119:136.

The wicked

Despise. — Am 2:4.

Forget. — Ho 4:6.

Forsake. — 2Ch 12:1; Jer 9:13.

Refuse to hear. — Isa 30:9; Jer 6:19.

Refuse to walk in. — Ps 78:10.

Cast away. — Isa 5:24.

Is the rule of life to saints — 1Co 9:21; Ga 5:13,14.

Is the rule of the judgment — Ro 2:12.

To be used lawfully — 1Ti 1:8.

Established by faith — Ro 3:31.

Punishment for disobeying — Ne 9:26,27; Isa 65:11-13; Jer 9:13-16.

« Laver of Brass Law of God, The Law of Moses, The »
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