(Heb. cinnam, cinnim). this word occurs in the Authorized Version only in (Exodus 8:16-18) and in (Psalms 105:31) both of which passages have reference to the third great plague of Egypt. The Hebrew word has given occasion to whole pages
of discussion. Some commentators, and indeed modern writers generally, suppose that gnats are the animals intended by the
original word; while, on the other hand, the Jewish rabbis, Josephus and others, are in favor of the translation of the Authorized
Version. Upon the whole it appears that there is not sufficient authority for departing from this translation. Late travellers
(e.g. Sir Samuel Baker) describe the visitation of vermin in very similar terms:—“It is as though the very dust were turned
into lice.” The lice which he describes are a sort of tick, not larger than a grain of sand, which when filled with blood
expand to the size of a hazel nut.—Canon Cook.