This ornament, which is both ancient and universal, probably originated from the fillets used to prevent the hair from being
dishevelled by the wind. Such fillets are still common; they gradually developed into turbans, which by the addition of ornamental
or precious materials assumed the dignity of mitres or crowns. Both the ordinary priests and the high priest wore them. The
crown was a symbol of royalty, and was worn by kings, (2 Chronicles 23:11) and also by queens. (Esther 2:17) The head-dress of bridegrooms, (Ezekiel 24:17; Isaiah 61:10) Bar. 5:2, and of women, (Isaiah 3:20) a head-dress of great splendor, (Isaiah 28:5) a wreath of flowers, (Proverbs 1:9; 4:9) denote crowns. In general we must attach to it the notion of a costly turban irradiated with pearls and gems of priceless
value, which often form aigrettes for feathers, as in the crowns of modern Asiatics sovereigns. Such was probably the crown
which weighed (or rather “was worth”) a talent, mentioned in (2 Samuel 12:30) taken by David from the king of Ammon at Rabbah, and used as the state crown of Judah. (2 Samuel 12:30) In (Revelation 12:3; 19:12) allusion is made to “many crowns” worn in token of extended dominion. The laurel, pine or parsley crowns given to victors
int he great games of Greece are finely alluded to by St. Paul. (1 Corinthians 9:25; 2 Timothy 2:5) etc.