
« Thomander, J. H. Thomas the Apostle Thomas, Allen C. »

Thomas the Apostle

Thomas the Apostle: 8, 120; 11, 421, 422

Acts of: 1, 228

Apocalypse of: 1, 228

Christians of: 8, 120

consummation of: 1, 228

gospel of: 1, 226

Aquinas: 10, 262, 266; 11, 422-427; 12, 356

on adiaphora: 1, 42

Christology of: 11, 425-426

on concursus divinus: 3, 219; 11, 425

on consilia evangelica: 3, 245; 9, 464; 11, 425

on demonology: 3, 416

on "ends": 5, 19

on eucharist: 7, 232, 233; 11, 426, 496

on God: 11, 316, 423

on grace: 5, 41; 11, 424, 425

as hymnist: 5, 426

on infant baptism: 1, 451

on the keys: 6, 326, 327

on merit: 7, 315; 11, 426

on miracles: 7, 386

as mystic: 8, 70

on perfection: 8, 456

preaching of: 9, 163

on priesthood: 9, 252

on providence: 9, 308; 11, 424

on sacraments: 10, 141; 11, 426, 496

on satisfaction: 10, 209; 11, 426

on simony: 10, 429

on sin: 10, 436; 11, 424

Summa of: 11, 401, 423-426

on the Trinity: 12, 20

on ubiquity: 12, 51

on unction: 4, 252

à Becket: 1, 116; 2, 21, 401; 6, 215; 10, 26

Bohemian brother: 2, 214, 216

of Celano: 5, 426; 11, 427, 428

of Heraclea: 2, 129

à Jesu: 11, 421

à Kempis: 6, 309-312; 8, 70; 9, 164

of Villanova: 11, 428

Waldensis: 8, 126

« Thomander, J. H. Thomas the Apostle Thomas, Allen C. »
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