
« Luthardt, Christoph E. Luther, Martin Luther, on Epiphany »

Luther, Martin

Luther, Martin: 7, 69-79

on adiaphora: 1, 42, 43

and Agricola: 1, 91, 199

and Amsdorf: 1, 159

on amusements: 1, 43

and Anabaptists: 1, 162; 7, 73; 12, 538

on Apocrypha: 1, 215

and Arnoldi: 1, 304

and atonement: 1, 351

on baptism: 1, 438-439; 12, 538

baptismal ritual of: 1, 444; 7, 73

on begging: 10, 479

Bible of: 2, 145-146

and Bible reading: 2, 87

and the Bohemian Brethren: 2, 215; 7, 73, 75

and Bugenhagen: 2, 296-297

and Butzer: 2, 323; 12, 397-399

Cajetan on: 2, 338

and Carlstadt: 2, 414, 415; 7, 73

on catechetics: 2, 443-444

Catechisms of: 2, 444; 7, 94, 95

on Christology: 6, 318

on Christ's humiliation: 6, 175

on the Church: 3, 83; 7, 77; 9, 114, 291, 294

on church councils: 3, 283; 7, 75

on church dedications: 3, 245

on church feasts: 4, 290

on church government: 3, 94

on church polity: 9, 114

on church property: 9, 268

on Church and State: 3, 107; 9, 114

and church visitation: 3, 113

Cochlæus and: 3, 150, 151

on communicatio idiomatum: 3, 180

on confession: 3, 221; 7, 75

on confraternities: 3, 226

on the congregation: 5, 346

on conscience: 3, 243

on consilia evangelica: 3, 245

on conversion of Jews: 6, 178

on cure of souls: 8, 374

on descent into Hades: 1, 59

Deutsche Messe of: 1, 84; 7, 73

on the devil: 3, 416

doctrine of God of: 5, 5

Doellinger on: 3, 468

on ecclesiastical authority: 1, 384; 7, 70

Eck and: 4, 65; 7, 70, 71

on education: 3, 103

Emser and: 4, 124

« Luthardt, Christoph E. Luther, Martin Luther, on Epiphany »
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