
« Holtzmann, Heinrich J. Holy club Holyoake, Austin »

Holy club

Holy club: 12, 307

Coat: 4, 467; 5, 325

Communion. See Eucharist; and Lord's Supper

Cross, Daughters of the: 12, 411

cubit: 12, 288

family, sisters (daughters) of the: 4, 451

fire: 4, 45

Ghost: 5, 331; 7, 170, 171

and fire, baptism with the: 1, 454

Orders and Congregations of the: 5, 326

procession of: 1, 1; 3, 257, 259; 4, 50, 51, 303, 312

sin against: 2, 198; 11, 46, 47

and Us Society: 5, 327

lance: 6, 406

maid of Kent: 1, 494

name of Mary, feast of: 7, 222

office. See Inquisition

Office, Congregation of the: 5, 327

orders: 8, 254; 10, 144

Orthodox . . . Church: 4, 48-54

Roman empire: 5, 327-328; 9, 129; 10, 330

Saturday: 5, 336

Sepulcher: 5, 328-331

Orders of the: 5, 331

spear: 12, 169

Spirit: 5, 331; 7, 170, 171; 10, 6, 244, 294, 307; 12, 18

procession of: 4, 50

Thursday: 5, 335

Water: 5, 333; 10, 145; 12, 275

aspersion with: 1, 318

vessels: 12, 169

Week: 5, 333-336

« Holtzmann, Heinrich J. Holy club Holyoake, Austin »
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