Showing 236 terms beginning with I.
- I. H. S. See
- Iacchus
- Ian Maclaren
- Ibadites
- Ibas
- Iberian Bible version
- Ibex
- Ibleam
- Ibn Ezra
- Ibrahim Pasha
- Icaria
- Iceland
- Icon
- Iconoclasm
- Iconolatry. See
- Iconostasis
- Ideal world
- Idealism
- Idealistic ethics
- Idel, Karl
- Idiomata
- Idolatry
- Idumea
- Ieyasu
- Iglesia Española. Reformada
- Ignatian episcopate
- Ignatius of Antioch
- Ignorance, justifying accommodation
- Ignorantins
- Ihmels, Ludwig H.
- Ije-abarim
- Ijma
- Ijon
- Ikonostasis (Iconostasis)
- Ilanz articles
- Ildephonsus
- Illgen, Christian F.
- Illingworth, John R.
- Illuminati
- Illumination
- Illumination, the. See
- Illustrated Bibles
- Illustrative art
- Image of God
- Image-worship
- Images
- Imam
- Imhofer, Melchior
- Imitation of Christ
- Immaculate Conception of Mary
- Immanence, divine
- Immanuel Synod
- Immer, Albert
- Immersion
- Immigrants, mission work among
- Immortality
- Immunity
- Impanation
- Impediments to marriage
- Imposition of hands
- Impostoribus, De Tribus
- Imprisonment
- Impurity, ceremonial
- Imputation
- In Cœna Domini
- Ina of Wessex
- Incapacity
- Incarate Word, Nuns of the
- Incarnation
- Ince, William
- Incense
- Incest
- Inchofer, Melchior
- Incineration
- Inclusæ
- Inclusi
- Incorporation
- Incorrupticolæ (Aphthartodocetæ)
- Incubation
- Independent congregations
- Independents. See
- Index librorum expurgatorum
- India
- Indian art, serpent in
- Indiana Theological Seminary
- Indians, American, Missions to
- Indigitamenta
- Individual element in dogmatics
- Individualism in art
- Indo-Aryans
- Indoor relief
- Indra
- Induction
- Indulgence, bill of
- Indulgences
- Infallibility of the Pope
- Infallible text
- Infancy, Arabic gospel of
- Infant baptism
- Infralapsarianism
- Infula
- Inge, William R.
- Ingeborg
- Ingersoll lectures on immortality
- Ingham, Benjamin
- Inghamites
- Inglis, Charles
- Ingman, Anders V.
- Ingoldsby Legends
- Ingolstadt, university of
- Ingram, Arthur F. W.
- Ingulf, Ingulphus
- Inheritance, Hebrew
- Inigo Lopez de Recalde
- Initiations, tribal secret
- Ink
- Inner Austria, Reformation in
- Innere Mission
- Innocent I., Pope
- Innocent II.
- Innocent III.
- Innocent III., Antipope
- Innocent IV., Pope
- Innocent V.
- Innocent VI.
- Innocent VII.
- Innocent VIII.
- Innocent IX.
- Innocent X.
- Innocent XI.
- Innocent XII.
- Innocent XIII.
- Innocents, Feast of the Holy
- Inquisition
- Insabatati
- Insane, care of
- Insanity
- Inscriptions
- Insignia, ecclesiastical
- Inspiration
- Inspired, The
- Installation
- Instantius
- Institute of our Blessed Lady of Mercy
- Institution
- Institutum Judaicum
- Instruction, religious
- Instrumental music
- Intention
- Intercalation
- Intercession. See
- Interdict
- Interest
- Interim
- Intermediate State
- Interment. See
- Internal sense of Scripture
- International Apostolic Holiness Union
- Interpolations in the New Testament
- Interpretation, allegorical
- Interstitia
- Intinction
- Intolerance, religious
- Introduction, biblical
- Introit
- Introspection
- Intuitionalism
- Invention of the cross
- Investiture
- Invocation
- Inward Light
- Iona
- Iowa Synod, Lutheran
- Ireland
- Ireland, John
- Irenæus (of Lyons)
- Irenæus, Agnostus
- Irene
- Irion, Paul
- Irish Articles
- Iro-Scottish tonsure
- Iron (metal)
- Irregularity
- Irresistible grace
- Ir-shemesh
- Irving, Edward
- Irvingite catechisms
- Irvingites
- Isaac of Antioch
- Isaacs, Abram S.
- Isabella II. of Spain
- Isabella de cruce
- Isaiah
- Isaiah (Egyptian monk)
- Isenmann, Johann
- Isenmenger, Johann
- Ishbaal
- Ishbosheth
- Ishmael
- Ishmaelites
- Ishmi-Dagan
- Ishtar
- Isidore of Alexandria
- Isidore of Pelusium
- Isidorian decretals
- Isidorus Mercator
- Isin
- Isis
- Iskandarunah
- Islam. See
- Islands of the Ægean Sea
- Islip, Simon
- Ismail (imam)
- Ismailiyyah
- Isochristoi
- Israel, elders in
- Israel ben-Eleazar
- Israelite Church, Christian
- Israelites, commerce among ancient
- Issaron
- Itala
- Italian Bible versions
- Italo-Greeks
- Italy
- Ithacius Clarus
- Iturea
- Ivan IV., the Terrible
- Iverach, James
- Ives, Levi S.
- Ivimey, Joseph
- Ivo Carnotensis
- Ivo of Chartres
- Ivory coast
- Izanagi
- Izanami
- Izates of Adiabene