
« Greece Greek Bible versions Green Thursday »

Greek Bible versions

Greek Bible versions: 2, 116-121, 147; 3, 69; 4, 258

Church: 5, 50. See also Eastern Church

art in: 1, 306

in Austria: 1, 380

on baptism: 1, 438

and Bible reading: 2, 87

on biblical canon: 2, 392

burial service: 2, 309

in Bulgaria: 2, 297-299

calendar: 2, 343; 3, 114-115

in Cape Colony: 2, 402

catechisms: 2, 448

commandments of: 3, 169

consecration of water in: 12, 275

in Eastern Empire: 3, 255

in Egypt: 4, 93

episcopacy: 4, 157

on eucharist: 7, 35; 11, 499

extreme unction in: 4, 252

in Hungary: 5, 407

and the keys: 6, 327, 328

litany in: 6, 494

on ministry: 3, 144

protestantism in: 3, 335, 336

on unction: 4, 252

union with the: 1, 121, 190, 207; 2, 42, 73; 4, 32, 50, 303, 448, 452; 5, 65, 68; 6, 329; 9, 75; 12, 68

concordances: 3, 206

cosmogony: 3, 299-300

culture, diffusion of: 5, 210

doctrine of will: 12, 355

hymnody: 1, 152; 5, 425; 6, 210, 301; 10, 89-90; 11, 226, 322, 323

inscriptions: 6, 9-10

magic: 7, 126

mysteries: 12, 438

mythology: 10, 367; 12, 429

Order of the Redeemer: 9, 412

Orthodox Church, saint-worship in: 10, 176

orthodox confession: 7, 435

philosophy, and Christianity: 1, 124

tonsure: 11, 465

« Greece Greek Bible versions Green Thursday »
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