
« Trinitarians Trinity, Doctrine of the Trionfo, Augustino »

Trinity, Doctrine of the

Trinity, Doctrine of the: 1, 9, 203-205; 2, 197; 3, 50, 333, 364, 439; 4, 69; 5, 16, 17, 117, 118; 6, 196, 197; 7, 170, 180; 8, 140, 279, 494; 9, 362, 464, 465, 468; 10, 94, 292, 293, 371, 392, 491; 11, 306, 424, 425; 12, 18-22, 24, 109, 462. See also Adoptionism, Christology, God, Holy Spirit, etc.

festival of the: 12, 23

Sunday: 12, 23

symbols of: 11, 209

« Trinitarians Trinity, Doctrine of the Trionfo, Augustino »
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