
« James II. James the apostle James, D. W. »

James the apostle

James the apostle: 6, 89-90; 9, 154

of Edessa: 6, 77; 11, 239, 241

the Elder, gospel of: 1, 227

the Greater: 3, 203

the Just: 1, 247; 6, 90; 7, 461

epistle of: 6, 91-93

Protevangelium of: 1, 226

of Nisibis: 6, 79; 7, 463

Saint, of Compostella, Order of: 6, 94

of Sarug: 6, 79; 11, 239

son of Alphæus: 6, 90

son of Zebedee: 6, 89, 202

of Vitry: 6, 80

« James II. James the apostle James, D. W. »
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