

Supposed Source and Relation to Freemasonry (§ 1).
Establishment is America (§ 2).
Tenets of Mazdaznan (§ 8).
Outward Life and Sacred Teats (§ 4).
Attitude toward Science (§ 6).
Liturgy and Organization (§ 6). [The Zend Folk form a sect, termed by its adher ents Mazdaznan, which purports to be founded on the teachings of Zoroastrianism (see Zoroaster, Zoroastrianism)]. They explain their name Maz daznan from the [alleged] Avestan Maz-d4%--zncan, Maz being held to mean "great, master," da ~" to think, knowledge," and znan, or yaznan, as "womhipful, to be worshiped," the consequent meaning of the compound being " master thought" or " thought that masters." Mazdaznan is maintained by its followers to have risen to notice in Europe and America after the return of Anquetil du Perron, in 1762, from Surat, India, where he had r. Supposed made the first translation of the frag Source and mentary writings of the Avesta of the Relation Zarathuahtrian religion, with the help to Free- of Dastur Darab. About eighty years masonry. after the Mohammedan invasion a large number of Zarathushtriau fugi tives left Persia and settled in India, where they have since lived peacefully, having guarded the sacredness of their monotheistic faith, which had been brought from Bactria, whence, many centuries be fore, Mazdaism had been spread throughout Asia by the missionaries of Zarathuahtra, who was held to have communed with Mazda on the mountain of the "holy Questions," where the faith which was to bear his name was revealed to him. It is further maintained by the followers of Mazdaznan that the Freemasons (q.v.), who sprang up in England at the beginning of the eighteenth century, drew most liberally from the Zarathushtrian ritual after the return of Anquetil, and they accordingly hold that freemasonry is indebted to the Zarathushtrian, or Parses, religion for most of its mystic ceremonies, various points of striking resemblance being alleged to exist between the two systems. Among these are ablution, the acacia, the all-seeing eye, the

apron, the cock, the ear of corn, the annual feast, the sacred numbers three, five, and nine, the right hand, the thirty-third degree, the white color, and the six periods.

During the first part of the nineteenth century attempts were made in Germany, France, Russia, and America to introduce Zarathpshtrian teachings from England under various names, and even without special names, the result being the establishment of manifold occult schools and new-thought cults. In 1890 Dr. Otoman Zar-Aduaht Hanish formed the first Mazdaznan Peace Center in America., giving due credit to the source of his teachings. In 1899

he organized his movement for the 2. Estab- more effectual spread of the "message lishment in of peace," and established permar

America. vent headquarters in Chicago, where

there is a magnificent temple of the cult. The Mazdaznan people throughout the country style themselves "associates of God," having formed a "society of collective thought." In Jan., 1902, their first monthly appeared under the title of SunworshiPer (now Mazdaznan), and at Christmas, 1905, a provisional tribunal was instituted for a term of four years. At Christmas, 1909, the movement was reorganized with a Tribunal of Three, a Celestial Twelve, and a Terrestrial Twelve, which constitute the Supreme Court of the Mazdaznan Association. They consider themselves merely messengers of peace, and their organization simply as a mission of peace to give to every soul, in accordance with the demands of the times, its full due and rightful portion of gratitude. The institution may be termed purely educational, and without obligations. All applications for membership moat be voluntary and free from suggestion or influence. The membership is divided into three classes: associates, friends, and fellows.

Mazdaznan recognizes the Bibles of all races as inspired, and regards the Avesta as the key to all final interpretations. The teaching is monotheistic in principle and pantheistic in application. All great men and women, irrespective of nationality and creed, are regarded as incarnations of the " will of the Lord " and of the " law of holiness," and respect and homage are paid to one and all of them.

The sect holds that man takes up where 3. Tenets spirit leaves off, and is incarnated "to

of reclaim the earth, to turn the deserts Mazdaznan. into a paradise, a paradise moat suit-

able unto God and his associates to dwell therein." It considers the body of man to be the temple of the living God, and, by breathing the formula of "a prayer on the breath," man awakens to his higher consciousness of a living soul, endowed with the attributes of Mazda. Through a ayateiinatic method of religious health exercises, fasting, chastisement, and diet, Mazdaznan proposes to eradicate all prenatal influences and error of ancestral relations. Three methods of healing are recognised: the knife, medicine, and prayer, but for their followers they stress "prayer on the breath" (Yeruii dad, vii. 44, xx. 11-12; Confession, xv.; Declaration., xix.; James v. lrrl6).

The followers of this cult sae considered to be admirable culinarists and dietarians, while they also


tend Folic manifest great endurance, many of their leading adherents having lived without food for fifty-four days. They observe the commands of the Vendi dad and of Genesis, and consequently hold strictly to vegetarianism (Vendidod, v. 19-20); ;. Outward Gen. i. 29-30). In their public life they Life and are very plain, unceremonial, and un Sacred pretentious. They accept the leading Teats. thought of society as the tone of their message of peace, relying on the voice of daena [" religion "J within, and holding to the " light of illumination " or " the sun of the soul." To be ever mindful of the existing relationship of in telligence to substance and vice versa, they recite scriptures daily (Yendidad, xix. 2, 22; Declaration, xix.; Confession, viii. 10-12). They observe holi days very religiously, the chief ones being the Christ mas Gahanbar, which generally lasts ten days, and the Midsummer Peace Conference, for five days. They celebrate Easter, or the Birth of Ainyahita [Anahita], and Autumn, or the Birth of Zarathush tra. The greetings of the followers of Mazdaznan to each other are characteristically oriental, and each season and holiday has its particular greetings and blessings. Besides the scriptures they recog nize, as pathfinders setting forth most clearly their scientific, philosophic, and religious views, The Dia logues of Ainycchita, Necklace of Humata, Huhata, Huvarashta, Prayer-Beads, Mazdaznan Declaration, Confession, Statement, and Affirmation. Among their many religious views are the following two affirmations: " I am a Mazdaznan, and I recognize the eternal designs in humata (good thought), hu hata [hickhta] (good word), huvarashta [huvarshta] (good deed)," and " The will of the Lord is the law of holiness; holiness is the best of all good," or Yatha ahu vairyo and Ashem vohu. Among them selves the followers of Mazdaznan are divided into four different classes: celibates, companions, mini mites, and maximites. Their belief in karma, reincarnation, and trans migration differs materially from that of the other oriental religions, and they claim absolute scien tific and evolutionary substantiation. g. Attitude Salvation and redemption are, to them, toward natural consequences in the evolution- Science.. ary process of racial ties, while resur rection is a natural process, and immor tality is universal to substance and intelligence. However complex the hypothesis of the speculative side of their philosophy may be, they claim to have ample proofs from the living word of God or nature to bear out their statements.

At their services they burn incense, candles, and sacrifices; and wear costly robes, largely of oriental design, while their religious solemnities are celebrated with the greatest pomp. The order of services, as well as their decorations, change with the seasons and occasions. They hold firmly to inspiration and revelation, and they consider

6. Liturgy the body to be the manifestation of sad Organi- God and all the physical attributes to

zation. be the temple of the living God. They do not believe in erecting special edi fices for worship, and their temples serve merely for initiation and the imparting of inner teaching to

the advanced. The sect has two magnificent temples in America, one in Chicago and the other in Lowell, Mass., fitted with all the splendor of oriental and occidental brilliancy. With Otoman ZarAdusht Hanish as Elector, a Grand Vizier, and a Khalif, constituting a triumvirate, assisted by the Celestial Twelve and the Terrestrial Twelve with their different orders, they conduct the Mazdaznan commonwealth, each official being unsalaried, since all obligations are considered to be those of honor and duty.

The sect carries on a mission in Germany under Ambassador David Ammann, and also conducts missioqs in Canada, England, Switzerland, Holland, Africa, and South America. Their active membership in the United States is estimated by them at about 100,000, while they maintain that their following is much more numerous. Because of their belief in the universality of their teachings, they forbid proselytizing. OTTO YEOUAN SCHMID.


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