
ZELLER, tsel'er, CHRISTIAN HEINRICH: German educator; b. at the village of Entringen (18 m. s.w. of Stuttgart) Mar. 29, 1779; d. at Beuggen (12 m. e. of Basel) May 18, 1860. He received his early education in the institutions of Ludwigsburg, and when eighteen entered the University of Tübingen, his father's desire being that he should study law, though his own heart was already turned to the teaching profession; in 1801 he began to teach privately at Augsburg, showing signs of genius in this direction. He was besought to found a private school at St. Gall in 1803, where he stayed till 1809; he had charge of schools in the district about Zofingen, 1809-20; and in 1820 he was called to- the charge of the institution at Beuggen devoted to the care of neglected children, where he spent the rest of his life. Under his care that institution became the model for its class, a pattern exhibition of Christian philanthropic work. In this work he was ably assisted by his wife and later by his sons. In connection with it he developed a literary activity which has had permanent effects. He edited the periodical Mtmatsbleittern aus Beuggen; and published Lehren der Erfahrurtg far christliche Iandund Armenschullehrer (Basel, 1827), containing a system of pedagogy which gathered up all that was


best in the methods then available; G�ttliche Antworten auf menschliche Fragen (Basel, 1840); Ueber Kleinkinderpflege (1840); Kurze Seelenlehre, gegr�ndet auf Schrift und Erfahrung (Calw, 1846). All of these passed through numerous editions. Zeller was also a contributor of worthy hymns to the hymnals, some of them among the best loved of the Church; worthy of mention are: " Gott bei mir an jedem Orte," Eng. transl. by Mrs. Findlater, " My God with me in every place "; and" Treuer Hei Iand, wir wind bier," Eng. transl., " Savior, here to Thee we come." Among the praises which his per sonality merited was that given to his simplicity, it being said of him that he " always remained a little one," with the humility of a child.

(C. von Palmer†.)

Bibliography: Lives are by H. Thierach, 2 vols., Basel, 1878; E. Zeiler, Basel, 1899, and Berlin, 1900; and T. Schblly, Basel, 1901. Consult also Julian, Hymnology, p. 1300.

ZEND-AVESTA. See Zoroaster, Zoroastrianism.


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