
ZACHARIAS, zac"a-rai'as: Pope 741-752. He was chosen successor of Gregory III., with whom he had maintained close connection. He was reputed to be a learned man, and had rendered into Greek the "Dialogues" of Gregory the Great. He upheld successfully the interests of the Roman see in relation to the Lombards, the Greek Church, Boniface, and the Frankish kingdom, his achievements with the last being momentous for the future history of the Church. In these efforts he was ably assisted by Boniface (q.v.), by whom the reform of the Frankish Church was carried through. Similarly in Germany the interests of the pope were guarded and the organization extended by the organization of bishoprics. Under Boniface the Frankish bishops were led to draw up a confession and send it to Rome, in which was expressed their subordination to Rome. Pepin also came into relations with Rome some time after he ascended the throne. In his dealings with the Lombards Zacharias sacrificed to King Liutprand Duke Thrasimund of Spoleto, the ally of Gregory III., thereby buying back the cities of Ameria, Horta, Polimartium, and Bleda, while a peace for twenty years was arranged with the Roman duchies. Still greater was the pope's influence with King Ratchis. In relation to the Greek Church Zacharias directed to the Emperor Constantine Copronymus a letter on image worship. The two synods held by Zacharias (743 and 745) dealt with the discipline of clergy and monks, church property, marriage, and the renewed condemnation of the heretics Aldebert and Clement, who had already been condemned by Boniface.

(A. Hauck.)

Bibliography: The Epistolæ et decreta are in MPL, vols. lxxxix., xeviii. Consult: Liber pontificalis, ed. L. Duchesne, Vol. ii., Paris, 1892; Jaffé, Regesta, i. 262-263; C. Mann, Popes, i. 2, pp. 225-288; H. Hahn, Jahrbücher des frankischen Reichs, pp. 24 sqq., Berlin, 1863; Papst Zacharias and Pius IX# Eine geschichtliche Parallels, Wiesbaden, 1866; A. von Reumont, Geschichte der Stadt Rom, ii. 110-111, Berlin, 1867; R. Bamnann, Die Politik der Päpste, i. 218 sqq., Elberfeld, 1869; A. J. Uhrig, Bedenken gegen die Aechtheit der . . Sage von der Entthronung des morowingischen Königshauses durch den Papst Zacharias, Leipsic, 1875; J. Langen, Geschichte der römischen Kirche, ii. 628, Bonn, 1885; A. J. Narnberger, Der römische Synods von . . . 743, Mainz, 1898; L. M. Hartmann, Geschichte Italiens im MitteWter, ii. 2, pp. 140 sqq., Gotha, 1903; Hauck, KD, Vol. i. passim; Bower, Popes, ii. 76-90; Platina, Popes, i. 186-189; Milman, Latin Christianity, ii. 402-416.


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