
WISDOM OF SOLOMON. See Apocrypha, A, IV., 13.

WISE, ISAAC MAYER: American Reformed rabbi; b. at Steingrub, Bohemia, Mar. 20, 1819; d. at Cincinnati, O., Mar. 26, 1900. He received his education at Prague, and from 1843 to 1845 was rabbi at Radnitz, Bohemia. In the following year he emigrated to the United States, and was soon appointed rabbi of Congregation Beth-El at Albany, N. Y., and when, in 1850, a split occurred in this congregation, Wise was chosen to be the head of the new Congregation Anshe Emeth. Here he remained until 1854, when he accepted the position which he was to occupy for the remainder of his life, the rabbinate of Congregation Bene Yeshurun, Cincinnati.

Wise took a foremost place among the Reformed Jews of America almost from his first arrival in America, beginning with his work in the Congrega tion Beth-El. As early as 1847 he sought to end the lack of uniform services in the American Jewish


Wishart congregations by his Minhag America, though it was not until 1855 that his efforts were successful. The Minhag which then appeared was practically all prepared by Wise, who himself withdrew it on the issuance of the Union Prayer Book in 1$94. In 1848 he began the agitation which, in 1873, re sulted in the organization of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations; and to him is also due, after the short-lived Zion Collegiate Association (1855), the foundation, in 1875, of the Hebrew Union Col lege (see Theological Seminaries, VI., 1), of which he was president until his death; while he was likewise the ultimate inspirer of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, over which he pre sided from its inception in 1889 until his death. Besides editing the American Israelite and Deborah, and in addition to a number of novels in German and English (first appearing as serials in the two periodicals just mentioned), and even a couple of German plays, Wise wrote History of'the Israelitish Nation from Abraham to the Present Time (Albany, 1854), Essence of Judaism (Cincinnati, 1861), Origin of Christianity, and a Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles (1868), Judaism, its Doctrines and Duties (1872), The Martyrdom of Jesus of Nazareth (1874), The Cosmic God (1876), History of the Hebrews' Sec ond Commonwealth (1880), Judaism and Christian ity, their Agreements aced Disagreements (1883), De fense of Judaism vs. Proselytizing Christianity (1889), and Pronaos to Holy Writ (1891).


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