
WINCHESTER, CALEB THOMAS: Methodist Episcopal layman; b. at Montville, Conn., Jan. 18, 1847. He was educated at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. (A.B., 1869), with which he has been connected ever since, being librarian (1869-1879), associate professor of English (1872-78), and full professor of the same subject since 1878. He


was a member of the joint committee of the Meth odist Episcopal Church, and the Methodist Epis copal Church, South, - to prepare the hymnal, which was published in 1905. He has written The Life of John Wesley (New York, 1906); and A Group of English Essayists (1910).

WINCHESTER, ELHANAN: Universalist; b. in Brookline, Mass., Sept. 30, 1751; d. in Hartford, Conn., Apr. 18, 1797. In 1769 he began to preach, and was ordained pastor of an open-communion church at Rehoboth, Mass., 1771; about a year later he became a close-communionist, and was ex communicated; residing in Charleston, S. C., 1774 1780, he then became pastor in Philadelphia of the First Baptist Church, and founded with a majority of his congregation a Universalist church there in 1781. From 1787 to 1794 he preached Restoration ism in England. His works embrace a Collection of Psalms, Hymns and Poems (Boston, 1772); A New Book of Poems, on Several Occasions (1773); The Universal Restoration (London, 1788, and often); A Course of Lectures on the Prophecies that Remain to be Fulfilled (4 vols., 1789-90); and Progress and Em pire of Christ (1793).

Bibliography: Sketches of the Life are by W. Vidler, London, 1797; and E. M. Stone, Boston, 1836. Consult further R. Eddy, in American Church History Series, x. 408-413 et passim, New York, 1894; and the literature under Universalists.

WINCKLER, vink'ler, HUGO: German Prot estant, orientalist; b. at Grafenhainichen (12 m. S.W. of Wittenberg) July 4, 1863. He was educated at the University of Berlin, where he became privat docent for Semitic philology in the philosophical faculty, and since 1904 he has been professor of the same subject. Besides editing Mitteilungen der vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft, Dos alte Orient, and Ex Oriente Lux, he has written: Die Keilschrifttexte Sargons (2 vols., Leipsic, 1889); Untersuchungen zur altorientalischen Geschichte (1889); Der Thontafel fund von Tell el-Amarna (1889); Geschichte Baby lonien8 and Assyriens (1892); Alttestamentliche Untersuchungen (1892); Sammlung von Keilschrift texten (3 parts; 1893-95); Altorientalische Porsch ungen (21 parts, 1893-1906); Geschichte Israels (2 vols., 1895-1900); Die Thontafeln von Tell-el Amarna (Berlin, 1896); Kritische Schriften (6 vols., 1901-08); Die Gesetze Hammurabis (Leipsic, 1904); Kritische Schriften (Berlin, 1906); Die babylon ische Geisteskultur in ihren Beziehungen zur Kulturentwicklung der Menschheit (1907); Die Pan babylonisten (Leipsic, 1907); Die im Sommer 'O6 in Klein-Asien ausgefiihrten Ausgrabungen (1907); and edited with H. Zimmern the 3d ed. of E. Schrader's Keilinschriften und das A. T. (Berlin, 1903).


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